Work I’ve presented for feedback at seminars, lab meetings, and guest lectures.
- Self-affine timeseries analysis (2003)
Guest lecture for PHYS 510: Stochastic Processes in Physics, UBC
- Rock, paper and scissors in space (2002)
SOWD (Schluter, Otto, Whitton, Whitlock, Doebeli)) Lab Meeting, UBC
- Statistical properties of financial timeseries (2002)
PIMS-MITACS Math Finance Seminar, UBC
- Can memes drive genes? (2001)
Presentation for Doebeli lab meeting, UBC
- On the nature of the stock market: Simulations and experiments (2000)
Final PhD oral defense, UBC
- Modelling intentionality: The gambler (1998)
Presentation for PHYS 510, UBC
- Extra! Extra! Critical update on 'Life' (1998)
Presentation for Peter Wall Inst. Adv. Science, Crisis Points Group, UBC