Mandelbrot Set (2017)
A NetLogo ( Citation: Wilensky, 1999 Wilensky, U.(1999). Retrieved from ) model by Rik Blok.
Explore the Mandelbrot Set and these related fractals:
1 Demonstration
This movie was made by turning on the record-png switch and the zoom-every button, and setting the jump-size to 1%. The sequence of PNG images were stitched together and set to Rossini’s William Tell Overture Finale with Windows Live Movie Maker.
2 Mappings
Each fractal is defined by a function in the complex plane. Starting with an initial value z=0, each point c in the plane is repeatedly iterated through the map, z → f(z,c). The mapping function is characterized by an exponent, d (d-multibrot-exp slider in the simulation), as follows:
- Mandelbrot: f(z,c) = z2 + c (same as Multibrot with d=2)
- Multibrot: f(z,c) = zd + c
- Mandelbar: f(z,c) = Conj(z)d + c
- Burning ship: f(z,c) = (|Re(z)| + i |Im(z)|)d + c
A point c is excluded from the set if the value z diverges after repeated iteration. In the simulation, excluded points are painted a color indicating how many iterations were required to decide they have diverged. Black points indicate undecided candidates that may belong to the set.
3 Other implementations and examples
This implementation of the Mandelbrot set is neither fast nor beautiful – it’s just a proof of concept and a demonstration of how to code in NetLogo. If you’re interested in the Mandelbrot set or similar fractals, check out these excellent pages:
- Google’s Julia Map
- Last Lights On - video of Mandelbrot zoom to 10228
4 References
- Wilensky (1999)
- Wilensky, U.(1999). Retrieved from