Old courses

Here are some courses I’ve taught in the past. These pages are not maintained and may contain broken links.

  • UBC ISCI 344 (2016)

    Game Theory in Economics and Evolution (Fall 2016))

    Exploration of human and animal interactions: integrating evolutionary and economic perspectives to investigate individual and social behaviour.

    • UBC ISCI 422 (2009)

      Models in Science (Fall 2009)

      Meaning, nature, use, strengths and limitations of models as investigative tools in all scientific disciplines. Detailed investigation of selected model systems from different scientific disciplines.

      • UBC PHYS 102 (2003)

        Electricity, Light and Radiation (Summer 2003)

        Introduction to optics, electricity and magnetism, electric circuits, radioactivity, including biological applications.

        • UBC PHYS 153 (2000)

          Elements of Physics (Winter 2000)

          Thermometry, thermal properties of matter, heat, oscillations, waves, sound, wave optics; geometrical optics, elementary electricity and magnetism, simple DC and AC circuits.