professional activities
Membership of Editorial and Advisory Boards
- Associate Editor, the IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2015-2019.
- Associate Editor, the Very Large Database Conference Journal Track, 2016-2019.
- Associate Editor, the Very Large Database Journal, 2001-2007.
- Associate Editor, the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data
Engineering, 2002-2008.
- Member of the Research Management Committee, NCE IRIS, 2001-2003.
- Member of the ACM SIGKDD Advisory Board, 1999-2001.
Program Chair or Co-chair
- International Conference on Data
Engineering, Program Co-chair, Shanghai, April 2009.
- ACM SIGMOD, General Co-chair,
Vancouver, June 2008.
- ACM SIGKDD Conference Program Co-chair, Edmonton, July 2002.
- International Workshop on Data Mining and Discovery in Molecular
Databases, Program Chair, January 1999.
- SIGMOD Workshop on Research Issues on Data Mining & Knowledge
Discovery, Program Co-chair, Montreal, June 1996.
Membership of Program Committees of Major Conferences
- Conference on Very Large Data Bases (1997, 1998, 2001,
2004,2005,2007,2009,2010, 2011,2013,2016-2019).
- ACM SIGMOD Conference(1999, 2003,2005, 2006,2009,2013,2016).
- ACM SIGKDD Conference (1996--2001, 2003,2004, 2005,2006,2007,2012,2013-2018).
- Conference on Data Engineering (2000, 2002, 2003,2005,2015-2018).
- Conference on AAAI (2015-2017).
- Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (2009).
- ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (1997).
- Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (1998, 1999).
- ACM GIS Conference (1998).
Membership of Major Grant Selection Committees
- European Union Horizon 2020: International flagship collaboration with Canada for human
data storage, integration and sharing to enable personalised medicine approaches
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research Project grant program (2018).
- Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute Pan-Canadian grant selection
Last updated: 28/10/2018