533 Structure

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This course will cover the computer-based visual representation of abstract data sets, designed to help people perform some task more faster or more effectively. In many cases these representations are interactive.


There are no enforced prerequisites. Either or both of computer graphics and HCI (human-computer interaction) are very helpful but not required. It is possible to for students in other disciplines to take this course without a programming background, by picking an analysis project.


The course will start with seven weeks of lecture by the professor on the core readings, and the last part of the class will be presentations by the students on additional readings.

Grades in the course will be determined by

There will be no final examination in this course, final project presentations will be in a 3-hour slot during exams (December 14).

I will send you mail with detailed feedback on your work over the course of the term as it is completed. In many cases I'll be bucket-sorting individual components of your grade based on on a scale of the sort {great 100%, good 89%, ok 78%, poor 67%, zero 0%}, although the exact weighting may vary. Note that poor is not a passing mark in a graduate class.


Students should do the core readings before the lectures and participate in class discussions during both lectures and student presentations. 18% of your total grade is based on the required reading questions you submit before class. 7% of your total grade is based on class discussion - both during the professor's lectures, and during your classmates' presentation.

By 10am (2.5 hours before class starts), students must send me email with a set of questions about the material being covered that day, one per reading (typically between 3 and 5). I encourage you to also bring a printout of these questions with you to class, and use them as a springboard for discussion. Your email must have the subject line

Subject: 533 submit Qnum
where num is the lecture number (01-15).

Attendance in class is expected. If you must miss class you should send me email with an explanation. In this case, you may send your questions to me via email, but you will only be given credit if they arrive by 10am on the day of class.

Your submitted questions/comments should be thoughtful, and clearly show that you've done the reading and reflected on it. They do not all have to be phrased in the form of a question, a comment is fine. If you genuinely are confused by some aspect of the reading, then it's useful and legitimate to ask for clarification. However, simply asking something that you could trivially look up yourself is not a good question. As with any written work that you hand in, I expect correct grammar and spelling. Do be concise: a few sentences per question is good, with a maximum of one paragraph per question.

Below are examples of graded questions from the Navigation/Zooming week in a previous course, ranging from great to poor.

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Tamara Munzner
Last modified: Tue Sep 8 14:29:09 PDT 2009