Instructor: Tamara Munzner, tmm@cs
Instructor office hours: FSC 2618. Mondays 10:30-11:30, and as announced.
TAs: Abhijeet Ghosh (ghosh@cs), Alan Woo (awoo@cs), Peng Zhao (pzhao@cs)
TA Lab Sessions: All lab sessions held in CICSR 011, starting week 2.
Lab 1A | Wed | 13:00-14:00 | Woo |
Lab 1B | Wed | 14:00-15:00 | Zhao |
Lab 1C | Thu | 11:00-12:00 | Woo |
Lab 1D | Thu | 12:00-13:00 | Ghosh |
Lab 1E | Fri | 10:00-11:00 | Ghosh |
Content: Topics to be covered include most or all of the following: the basics of 2D and 3D rendering; the rendering pipeline; scan conversion; colour models; geometry data structures; geometric transformations; perspective projection; hidden surface removal; lighting and illumination; texture mapping; texture filtering; complex shading algorithms; ray-tracing; animation.
Previous versions:
Project Grading: There will be face-to-face grading for each project, where the student will sign up for a slot to demo the project to the grader in the lab.
Dropping the course: Because of the high demand for this course (which means we teach it twice a year), the drop deadlines will be strictly enforced. No drop forms will be signed by the instructor after the first drop deadline. This means that if you attempt to drop the course after that date, you will not be given permission to drop and you will either have to complete the course or receive an "F" for the course at the end of the term. This policy has been adopted to encourage students to make a serious commitment to the course or to drop it early so that other students waiting to get into the course can register for it.
Attendance: Attendance in all lectures and your registered lab section is expected. You are responsible for all material presented there. We will make most material for both the lectures and the labs available online. However, we do not guarantee that everything covered in lecture and labs will be in the posted material.
Late policy: It is important that assigned work be completed on time. To allow for unforeseeable circumstances, you will be allowed three days of grace during the quarter, which can be used on any assignment or project with no explanation required. Use these as you wish to help manage your time, but use them wisely. You can use all three on one assignment, or spread the days across multiple assignments. We strongly recommend that you do not use all your grace days early in the term.
Religious Holidays: Students who are scheduled to attend classes or write examinations on the holy days of their religion must notify the instructor in writing two weeks in advance of the religious holiday they wish to observe. The instructor will provide opportunity for students to make up the missed work or examination without penalty. See the Calendar entry on Religious Holidays
Evaluating Missed Work:
If a student is unable to turn in an assignment or write an exam due to
medical, emotional or other reasons recognized by the University, one of
the following
courses of action will be taken after receipt of appropriate documentation
of the situation.
Documentation of Severe Illness or Other Problems: It is the responsibility of the student to provide adequate documentation of the situation and to inform the instructor in a timely manner so that the necessary appropriate action can be taken. Usually it is expected that the student will provide a written explantion of the situation to the instructor within three days of returning to the University after any absence or period of illness or other problem. In no case will documents be considered more than seven days after a student has returned to the University. The form for missed work must be submitted; talking to or emailing the instructor is not an acceptable substitute for submitting the required form.
Missing an Assignment or Midterm Exam: Students who miss an assignment or midterm because of medical, emotional, or other problems should inform the instructor as soon as possible. In such cases a mark computed using the z-scores of the other assignments in the course may be substituted. The form for missed work must be submitted; talking to or emailing the instructor is not an acceptable substitute for submitting the required form. Missing the Final Exam: See the Academic Concession FAQ for the UBC Faculty of Science for the examination deferral request policy. See also the advice from the UBC International Student Handbook listing legitimate vs. inadequate reasons for missing a final. In some cases a mark computed using the scaled z-scores of the other exams in the course may be substituted.
Read the Computer Science Department's Guidelines and Practives Regarding Collaboration and UBC Policy #69 on Student Discipline. Consult the University's policies and procedures regarding academic offenses for more information on plagiarism and the penalties sanctioned by the University.
A second offence within the context of CPSC 414 (across all years, terms, etc.) shall cause the student to receive a grade of 0 for the course, the student will not be permitted to enroll in further offerings of CPSC 414, and the Chair of the Undergraduate Affairs Committee will receive a report detailing the particulars of the case. Further disciplinary action may be undertaken by the department, faculty, or university.
For students not enrolled in CPSC 414 when the incident of plagiarism occurred, the student will not be permitted to enroll in further offerings of CPSC 414, and the Chair of the Undergraduate Affairs Committee will receive a report detailing the particulars of the case. Further disciplinary action may be undertaken by the department, faculty, or university.
The instructor reserves the right to exercise leniency as she sees fit.