Why office jobs suck, my origin story

September 27, 2024

Ryan Smith

I know some of you Master's students are trying to figure out if you want to continue your academic career and get a PhD or move off to industry (looking at you Mishaal). This is a huge decision which requires a lot of planning, thinking and consideration to make! If you're an idiot. There is no debate. Don't work in an office. It will drain your soul and crush your mind. "Who am I to say?", you ask. Tears flowing down your face after being called an idiot by someone who has to sound out Wednesday (wed-NES-day) before writing it. Well, before I was a grad student I worked a stupid little office job in Chicago that I hated with a burning passion. To kill time I used to give presentations to my office about random subjects. That's right. I was UDLSing before I even heard the acronym. One of these presentations was about how much I hated offices jobs and all the things wrong with them. I've decided to give y'all the same exact presentation that I once gave my very own boss and coworkers. So come join me in my little time machine and see if I've changed my presentation style in the past 4 years as I walk you through the stupidity of the modern day office job and why you should stay in academia.