Should an LLM grade your students' exams?
February 2025, Skylight AI for/In Science Education Series, Faculty of Science, UBC, Vancouver, Canada


Should an LLM grade your students' exams?
December 2024, Workshop on Large Foundation Models for Educational Assessment @ NeurIPS 2024, Vancouver, Canada

Navigating Cultural Adaptation of LLMs: Knowledge, Context, and Consistency
October 2024, Lee Language Lab, Ontario Tech University, Oshawa, Canada (virtual)
December 2024, Neurocognition, Language and Visual Processing Group Seminar, University of Exeter, England (virtual)
slides video

Navigating Cultural Adaptation of LLMs: Knowledge, Context, and Consistency
August 2024, Human-Centered Large Language Modeling Workshop @ ACL 2024

Did Language Models "solve" Figurative Language?
June 2024, Workshop on Figurative Language Processing @ NAACL 2024
slides video

It's not what you said, it's how you said it: Reference, Framing, and Perspective
May 2024, Workshop on Reference, Framing, and Perspective @ LREC-COLING 2024

Large Language Models in Healthcare: Opportunities, Risks and Limitations
April 2024, AI & Beyond: Innovations in IBD & Healthcare, Vancouver, Canada
May 2024, Providence Health Care, Vancouver, Canada

Debunking the Magic behind Large Language Models
March 2024, Workshop on Exploring AI: Implications for Education and Beyond, Columbia College, Vancouver, Canada

Large Language Models in Education: Challenges and Opportunities
February 2024, AI4ED Workshop, AAAI 2024, Vancouver, Canada

Natural Language Processing for Users from Diverse Cultures
February 2024, Vector Institute NLP Workshop, Toronto, Canada
slides video

Reality Check: Natural Language Processing in the era of Large Language Models
January 2024, University of Toronto CL Colloquium Series
February 2024, University of Helsinki, Finland
May 2024, ILFC Seminar
slides video (ILFC)


Introduction to NLP
November 2023, Mid-Pacific Institute, Honolulu, Hawaii (virtual)

Reality Check: Natural Language Processing in the era of Large Language Models
October 2023, Cohere for AI Interactive Reading Group
October 2023, Guest Lecture, Advanced Topics in Natural Language Processing, University of Pittsburgh
October 2023, Huawei, Vancouver, Canada
slides video (Cohere)

From ChatGPT to DALL-E: What is Generative AI and how does it affect us
October 2023, Green College Series, UBC, Vancouver, Canada

Beyond Words: Exploring the Future of AI Bots in Writing and Creativity
September 2023, Write on Bowen, Bowen Island, Canada

Narrative Understanding Beyond the Text
July 2023, Invited Talk at the Workshop on Narrative Understanding @ ACL, Toronto, Canada

My Fruitless Endeavours with Neuro-Symbolic NLP
May 2023, Invited Talk at the Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP @ EACL, Dubrovnik, Croatia
slides video

Reality Check: Natural Language Processing in the era of Large Language Models
May 2023, Munich NLP, online
May 2023, Mila, Montreal, QC, Canada
May 2023, NLP Seminar, University of Cambridge, online
April 2023, Machine Learning Advances and Applications Seminar, Fields Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada
slides video (Fields)

Everything you wanted to know about ChatGPT (Except for what OpenAI doesn't tell us)
May 2023, Scholars Round, UBC Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy
May 2023, CBS Research Seminar, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, online
April 2023, UBC Campus Security Lunch and Learn
April 2023, CPSC 330 Applied Machine Learning guest lecture

Incorporating Commonsense Reasoning into NLP Models
February 2023, Vector Research Symposium, Toronto, ON, Canada
March 2023, AI Seminar, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada
April 2023, UKP-CIS Joint Invited Talk Series, TU Darmstadt and the University of Munich, virtual.


Incorporating Commonsense Reasoning into NLP Models
December 2022, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
December 2022, IBM Research, Tel Aviv, Israel
January 2023, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel

Incorporating Commonsense Reasoning into NLP Models
November 2022, HiTZ Language Technology Webinar, Virtual
September 2022, UBC Linguistics Department Colloquium, Vancouver, Canada
July 2022, UCL Natural Language Processing Meetup, Virtual
slides video (HiTZ)

Incorporating Commonsense Reasoning into NLP Models
April 2022, SRI International, Virtual

Incorporating Commonsense Reasoning into NLP Models
March 2022, University of Copenhagen AI Center Seminar

Incorporating Symbolic Knowledge into Neural NLP Models
February 2022, Invited talk at the Workshop on Combining Learning and Reasoning (CLeaR), AAAI 2022

Incorporating Commonsense Reasoning into NLP Models
February 2022, University of California Santa Barbara NLP Seminar

Recent Breakthroughs and Uphill Battles in Modern Natural Language Processing
January 2022, MLOps Summit, Virtual
slides video


Nonmonotonic Reasoning in Natural Language
November 2021, Invited talk at the International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR), KR 2021
slides video

Commonsense Reasoning in Natural Language Processing
October 2021, Guest Lecture, Deep Learning for NLP course, Harvard University

Commonsense Knowledge and Reasoning in Natural Language
September 2021, Distinguished Talk Series, Microsoft Cognitive Services Research Group

A long hard look at MWEs in the age of Language Models
August 2021, Invited talk at Multiword Expressions workshop, ACL 2021
slides video

Commonsense Knowledge and Reasoning in Natural Language
July 2021, WING.NUS NLP Seminar, NUS School of Computing, Singapore (Virtual)
slides video

A bookworm barely graduating from the University of Life: On Language Models and Commonsense Knowledge
June 2021, Invited talk at the Deep Learning Inside Out (DeeLIO) workshop, NAACL 2021
slides video

Natural Language Inference: Challenges and Opportunities
June 2021, Invited talk at the Natural Logic Meets Machine Learning (NALOMA) workshop, IWCS 2021

(Hopefully-Reusable) Life Lessons for PhD Students in NLP
May 2021, Women in NLP Meetup, dair.ai
slides video

Commonsense Knowledge and Reasoning in Natural Language
March-April 2021 (job talk)

Commonsense Knowledge and Reasoning in Natural Language
February 2021, NLP Seminar, University of Pittsburgh
February 2021, Machine Learning and Friends Lunch, University of Massachusetts Amherst
February 2021, IBM Research, Israel
slides video (from UMass)

Recent Breakthroughs and Uphill Battles in Modern Natural Language Processing
January 2021, AI and Data Summit, Virtual
slides video (Hebrew)


Unsupervised Methods for Commonsense Reasoning
October 2020, SRI Vision and Learning Seminar, Virtual
December 2020, University of Mannheim NLP Seminar, Virtual

Recent Breakthroughs and Uphill Battles in Modern Natural Language Processing
October 2020, Global AI October Sessions, Virtual
August 2020, Ai4 Conference, Virtual
August 2020, Bayer Meets Academia, Virtual
slides video (Ai4)

What do I know? Pushing the boundaries of existing world knowledge
January 2020, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan
February 2020, Treehouse Meeting, Department of Linguistics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington


Not a piece of cake: on lexical composition and implicit information
December 2019, Workshop on Data-driven Approaches to Parsing and Semantic Composition, Tübingen, Germany
December 2019, Inria Lab, Paris, France

Fast breaking and slow building of textual inference models
December 2019, Department of Linguistics, Universität Konstanz, Germany

What do I know? Pushing the boundaries of existing world knowledge
October 2019, LTI Colloquium at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

At Loose Ends: Challenges and Opportunities in Lexical Composition
January 2019, Machine Learning and Optimization Laboratory at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

How well can Neural Text Representations Address Lexical Composition?
January 2019, Applied Machine Learning Days (AMLD), Lausanne, Switzerland


Multi-word Units Under the Magnifying Glass
December 2018, ONLP Lab, Open University of Israel

Are we there yet? Remaining Challenges in Deep Learning based Natural Language Processing
December 2018, WeAreDevelopers AI Congress, Vienna, Austria
slides video

Introduction to Natural Language Processing
June 2018, HALB Elementary School, Woodmere, New York

Acquiring Lexical Semantic Knowledge
May 2018, Stanford University, Stanford, California
May 2018, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
May 2018, Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2), Seattle, Washington
June 2018, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
June 2018, New York University, New York, New York
slides video (from AI2)

Paraphrase to Explicate: Revealing Implicit Noun-Compound Relations
May 2018, Google, Mountain View, California

How are you two related? Corpus-based Learning of Lexical Semantic Relations
January 2018, Workshop on Wordnets and Word Embeddings, 9th Global Wordnet Conference, Singapore

Acquiring Lexical Semantic Knowledge
January 2018, Computer Science Department Seminar, NUS School of Computing, Singapore


Acquiring Lexical Semantic Knowledge
December 2017, Advanced Topics NLP Seminar, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

Acquiring Lexical Semantic Knowledge
November 2017, Google Research, Israel

Recognizing Lexical Inference
August 2016, UKP lab, Darmstadt University, Germany


Recognizing Lexical Inference
April 2016, ProbModels Reading Group, EdinburghNLP, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Recognizing Lexical Inference
April 2016, Thomson Reuters, Israel

Recognizing Lexical Inference
February 2016, Intel, Israel


Learning To Exploit Structured Resources for Lexical Inference
April 2015, IBM Research, Israel