Wondering how you can integrate Computer Science into the classroom?
We have developed the following lesson plans and resources to help you bring Computer Science concepts to your students.
Introduction to Web Development
It’s hard to imagine spending even one day without visiting the web. Websites connect us to information across the internet and have become a critical part of daily life. Teach your students the basics of web development using these resources.
To download the resources as a zip folder please click the image!
Introduction to Machine Learning
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are powering innovation across the globe and changing the way we think about software. Teach your students about one of the fastest growing fields in computer science using the resources provided.
This resource was developed in collaboration with Athena Pathways
To download the resources as a zip folder please click the image.
Introduction to Cybersecurity
From firewalls, to secret codes, to the Enigma machine, cybersecurity has always been at the forefront of technology. Using the resources provided, teach your students about cybersecurity and how it protects us all online.
To download the resources as a zip folder please click the image.