Resources & Activities 4Parents

Resources & Activities 4Parents

She has had the chance to see technology from a different point of view - from the inside - and we want her to continue that perspective.

Your daughter is no doubt excited about the GIRLsmarts4tech workshop she attended and, now that it has completed, you are probably wondering how you can continue encouraging her enthusiasm.

The volunteers from Gs4t have brought together some resources for her to continue her learning - yours too!


  • Maintains your daughter’s engagement with technology: As your daughter shares her experiences with trusted role models, she will be further encouraged and motivated to explore technology.
  • Learn new skills together: Gain a better understanding of your daughters specific interests in technology, and be able to ask relevant questions to engage more with her as a result. Maybe you’ll learn a few interesting things as well!
  • Opportunity for new experiences: This is just the start. The world of technology is limitless and we want to help guide you in the start of your daughter’s journey.

Tech Talk Tuesdays

Help maintain her focus on technology and foster her curiosity. GIRLsmarts4tech has created activities that you can participate in alongside your daughter.

Stay Savvy 4 Your Girl

We understand there is a lot of information out there on technology that you need to stay up to speed with to encourage her learning and also protect her in the world of technology. We have gathered some great tech resources specifically for parents to learn from.

Additional Resources

  • Broadridge has created a parents workshop to help parents encourage their daughters to develop an interest in technology. Here are their slides and a list of additional resources.