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Discussion on May 19th 2006 reading group meeting

Paper presented: Arikan, Okan. Compression of Motion Capture Databases, to appear in Siggraph 2006 proceedings

Paper Overview

They present a method to compress a large database of skeletal motion data. Their method is separated in two parts:

  1. Global motion compression
  2. Specific precise compression of joints in contact with the environment (the feet in their case)

Global Motion Compression

  • Each joint is associated to 3 virtual markers which are tracked through time. The marker positions are said to be more linear than the DOF angles. The DOF angles can easily be re-extracted from these markers, even after compression (using least-square fit).
  • Separate the motion in 16-32 frames clips
  • For each clip, fit a 3D Bezier curve through the moving markers
  • Each clip is therefore a vector in a space of dimension d = 12 x 3 x number of joints .
  • Reduce the dimension using Clustered PCA over the whole database
    • Spectral clustering using Nystrom Approximation (ref given)
    • Typically, 1 to 20 clusters
    • Randomly draw 10000 frames of the database before performing the CPCA
    • A parameter is used to decide how many dimensions are kept
  • Quantize elements of the reduced vector to 16 bits.

Specific Joint Compression

  • Ground reaction force is quite significant and applies over a veryshort time ==> High frequencies in the motion
  • Sliding feet are a perceptually important artifact
  • Consider the x,y,z coordinates of the virtual markers on the feet (or other contact joints) as separate 1D signals
  • For each clip, apply DCT on these signals, then quantize, then entropy-encode (Huffman codes)
  • During decompression, use IK (Tolani et al. 2006) to plant foot at reconstructed position.

Features and results

  • To access an individual frame, one has to decompresse a 16-32 frame clip
  • Compresses at 1 ms/frame, decompress at 1.2 ms/frame (7 times real-time)
  • Random access any clip for decompression
  • CPCA performed offline on a random 10000 frames of animation, clips can be processed independantly
  • After CPCA, clips can be compressed independantly and incrementally. If statistical distribution changes, can perform CPCA again.
  • Clip-to-clip transition can be discontinuous. Fix this by solving a sparse linear system over the clip, called Continuous Merge (???)

Paper Discussion

Here's what we think is missing in the paper :

  • Progressive compression / Generating various animation LOD
  • The technique doesn't take into account that the database is made of multiple sequences.
  • Good results only if the database is large enough
  • The frame-rates are not realistic for usage such as real-time games
  • Incrementally compressing motion is efficient as long as the statistical properties do not change. When does that happen?
  • Baseline comparison methods are probably too simple
  • Decompression could exhibit cache issues since large chunk of data (PCA matrices) must be randomly accessed
  • Compression is faster than decompression? Sounds weird...
  • Justification for not using angular data is kind of weak

Here are some ideas that came out :

  • Check how receptive field weighted regression would perform for temporal compression
  • Use progressive compression technique for large mocap database exploration over a slow channel (see PhilippeBeaudoin)

Some links to papers that are not referred to but are related :

-- PhilippeBeaudoin - 19 May 2006

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Topic revision: r4 - 2006-05-26 - PhilippeBeaudoin
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