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Travel Reimbursements

The current forms for travel reimbursement are attached below - one for students and post-docs and one for faculty. Please submit the completed and signed forms with all original receipts and boarding passes to the Imager Group Assistant in X653. If your receipts are not in Canadian dollars, you may submit a copy of your credit card statement as proof of the currency conversion. If you do not wish to do this, the GA will have the accounting program perform the conversion.

Please note the new per diem amounts, as of April 1, 2013: Breakfast - $14.00; Lunch - $16.00; Dinner - $30.00; Total = $60.00 per day (CAD); Amounts include GST and gratuities

The mileage amount has also changed, as of April 1, 2013 from $.41/km to $.49/km

Non-travel Reimbursements

Reimbursement form for non-travel expenses, for students (fillable):

New non-travel reimbursement procedure

  1. Send email to your supervisor and the Imager group assistant using the following template:
    Request for non-travel reimbursement
    Name:           abc
    Status:         [Student|Faculty|Staff]
    Email:          abc@cs.ubc.ca
    Student #:      12345678
    Employee #:     1234567 (see your paycheque on www.msp.ubc.ca, accessible from on-campus locations only)
    Supervisor:     xyz
    Description of expenses: lab equipment
    (1) item 1:  $  10.99
    (2) item 2:  $ 200.00
    (3) item 3:  $  49.25
    Total:       $ 260.24
  2. Supervisor will reply to email with an account code
  3. Submit all associated receipts to Group Assistant
  4. If any receipts do not clearly indicate payment (i.e. eBay receipts that don't include any credit card information, or when an invoice is missing the associated till slip), then print and sign the Missing Receipt Form and submit that along with your receipts. You need only sign the form, not fill in any of the other fields.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Word filedoc MissingReceiptForm.doc r1 manage 144.0 K 2011-09-22 - 00:03 BradAtcheson Provides assurance that you are not claiming the expense from any other source
Microsoft Word filedoc reqforreimbursmentstudent.doc r1 manage 31.0 K 2010-11-10 - 20:17 MushfiqurRouf Reimbursement form (non-travel) for students
Microsoft Word filedoc travelform-PostDocsStudents.doc r1 manage 37.5 K 2013-04-11 - 18:32 LauraSelander Current travel reimbursement form for students and post-docs
Microsoft Word filedoc travelform-profs.doc r1 manage 35.0 K 2013-04-11 - 18:35 LauraSelander Current travel reimbursement form for faculty
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Topic revision: r7 - 2013-04-11 - LauraSelander
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