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Machine information

Serial number: T0333

Software version: 2.4.0p1

Vantage startup procedure

  1. Hold down top UPS button until beep
  2. Close the small breaker
  3. Close the main breaker
  4. Hit the green flashing button within one minute. If you miss this one minute window, then power-down and start over again.


Vantage shutdown procedure

  1. Hit the red button
  2. Wait for message "It is now safe to turn off the machine."
  3. Wait for fans to completely stop
  4. Open the main breaker
  5. Open the small breaker
  6. Hold down the middle UPS button

For most tasks, simply pushing the red button is sufficient. The UPS will beep continually until the battery is drained, but this is OK.


Maintenance schedule

Every time Weekly Monthly Monthly/Quarterly Quarterly
Clean platten Empty purge bucket Vacuum build envelope Inspect O-Ring Lubricate screws with TriGEL Lubricate guide rods with Krytox Inspect tip brush/wipers Clean vacuum filter Clean exterior Clean cone sensor
21 Sept, MMT 21 Sept, MMT 21 Sept, MMT 21 Sept, MMT 25 Sept, MMT   21 Sept, MMT 25 Sept, MMT 21 Sept, MMT 21 Sept, MMT

Tips for Modeling

  • if you make parts that slide into each other leave 1.5mm space between each side!

-- WolfgangHeidrich - 15 Mar 2006

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxls VantageCharges.xls r1 manage 9.5 K 2006-03-15 - 02:04 WolfgangHeidrich Spreadsheet for computing charges
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Topic revision: r6 - 2007-11-15 - GordonWetzstein
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