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Cylinder Class Reference

Defines a cylinder, whose ends can be rendered as cones. More...

List of all members.

Public Methods

 Cylinder ()
 Cylinder (Coord bottom, Coord top, double radius, double topCone=0, double bottomCone=0)
void setLocations (Coord bottom, Coord top)
void setRadius (double radius)
void setCones (double topCone=0, double bottomCone=0)
void setParams (Coord top, Coord bottom, double radius, double topCone=0, double bottomCone=0)
void getLocations (Coord &top, Coord &bottom) const
void getRadius (double &radius) const
void getCones (double &topCone, double &bottomCone) const
void getParams (Coord &top, Coord &bottom, double &radius, double &topCone, double &bottomCone) const

Detailed Description

Defines a cylinder, whose ends can be rendered as cones.

The cylinder is defined by 2 coordinates (top and bottom), a radius, and the lengths of cones that can be drawn at its top or bottom. The height of each cone can be no more than half the cylinder's length (if it is longer, the cone will be drawn as having half the length of the cylinder).

Examples for cylinders with different parameters:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Cylinder::Cylinder   [inline]

Default constructor.

Initializes the radius to be DEFAULT_CYLINDER_RADIUS, and no cones (topCone=bottomCone=0).

Cylinder::Cylinder Coord    bottom,
Coord    top,
double    radius,
double    topCone = 0,
double    bottomCone = 0


bottom The bottom coordinate
top The top coordinate
radius The radius of the cylinder
topCone The length of the top cone (starts at the top coordinate inwards)
bottomCone The length of the bottom cone (starts at the bottom coordinate inwards)

Member Function Documentation

void Cylinder::getCones double &    topCone,
double &    bottomCone
const [inline]

Get the bottom and top cone lengths.

topCone [output] The length of the top cone (starts at the top coordinate inwards)
bottomCone [output] The length of the bottom cone (starts at the bottom coordinate inwards)

void Cylinder::getLocations Coord   top,
Coord   bottom
const [inline]

Get the bottom and top coordinates.

bottom [output] The bottom coordinate
top [output] The top coordinate

void Cylinder::getParams Coord   top,
Coord   bottom,
double &    radius,
double &    topCone,
double &    bottomCone
const [inline]

Get all parameters.

bottom [output] The bottom coordinate
top [output] The top coordinate
radius [output] The radius of the cylinder
topCone [output] The length of the top cone (starts at the top coordinate inwards)
bottomCone [output] The length of the bottom cone (starts at the bottom coordinate inwards)

void Cylinder::getRadius double &    radius const [inline]

Set the radius.

radius [output] The radius of the cylinder

void Cylinder::setCones double    topCone = 0,
double    bottomCone = 0

Set the bottom and top cone lengths.

topCone The length of the top cone (starts at the top coordinate inwards)
bottomCone The length of the bottom cone (starts at the bottom coordinate inwards)

void Cylinder::setLocations Coord    bottom,
Coord    top

Set the bottom and top coordinates.

bottom The bottom coordinate
top The top coordinate

void Cylinder::setParams Coord    top,
Coord    bottom,
double    radius,
double    topCone = 0,
double    bottomCone = 0

Set all parameters.

bottom The bottom coordinate
top The top coordinate
radius The radius of the cylinder
topCone The length of the top cone (starts at the top coordinate inwards)
bottomCone The length of the bottom cone (starts at the bottom coordinate inwards)

void Cylinder::setRadius double    radius [inline]

Set the radius.

radius The radius of the cylinder

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
MeshMaker 5.2 Manual
This software library was written by Roni Raab,
Last updated on May 2003.
This software is for academic and research use only.