The MeshMaker is built using the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC). There are 5 main classes in the project:
Renderer - A precompiled class, which handles the rendering functions and modes, such as backface culling, perspective/orthographic view, colors, highlights, transformations etc.
A global instance of this class is available (as Renderer *renderer) and can be accessed from every page.
Mesh - A precompiled class, which handles the mesh functions, such as I/O, VRML export, mesh geometry functions etc.
A global instance of this class is available (as Mesh *mesh) and can be accessed from every page.
Scenes - A precompiled class, which holds all the available defined scenes at the moment. A scene is made of a Mesh and a corresponding Renderer, and there can be as many scenes defined as the user wishes. Each scene is identified by a unique SceneID.
CMeshMakerView - An automatic class created by MFC which handles messages (usually created by a chosen menu item or a toolbar) related to the Renderer class (rendering modes, colors. etc.) and messages created by the mouse events.
CMeshMakerDoc - An automatic class created by MFC which handles messages (usually created by a chosen menu item or a toolbar) related to the Mesh class (opening/saving files etc.).
MeshMaker 5.2 Manual
This software library was written by Roni Raab,
Last updated on May 2003.
This software is for academic and research use only.