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Line Class Reference

Defines a 3D line segment. More...

List of all members.

Public Methods

 Line ()
 Line (Coord coord1, Coord coord2)
void setCoords (const Coord *coords)
void getCoords (Coord *coords)

Detailed Description

Defines a 3D line segment.

The segment is identified by two 3D coordinates, in the model coordinate system.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Line::Line   [inline]

Default constructor.

Initializes the line from (0,0,0) to (0,0,0)

Line::Line Coord    coord1,
Coord    coord2


Initializes the 2 coordinates of the line segments

coord1 Coordinate of starting point of the line segments
coord2 Coordinate of ending point of the line segments

Member Function Documentation

void Line::getCoords Coord   coords [inline]

Set the 2 coordinates of the line segments.

coords [output] A 2-dimensional array which will hold the 2 line coordinates.
coords has to allocated before use by the user

void Line::setCoords const Coord   coords [inline]

Set the 2 coordinates of the line segments.

coords A 2-dimensional array holding the 2 line coordinates. If NULL, the line coordinates are not changed.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
MeshMaker 5.2 Manual
This software library was written by Roni Raab,
Last updated on May 2003.
This software is for academic and research use only.