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LinkedList< T > Class Template Reference

Defines a template for a linked list. More...

List of all members.

Public Methods

 LinkedList ()
 LinkedList (const LinkedList< T > &list)
 ~LinkedList ()
void operator= (LinkedList< T > &list)
bool empty () const
long size () const
bool contains (const T &value)
bool contains (const T &value, iterator &iter)
void clear ()
bool erase (iterator iter)
bool erase (iterator iterBegin, iterator iterEnd)
bool remove (const T &value)
bool removeAndCount (const T &value, long &count)
bool push_back_list (LinkedList< T > *list)
bool push_front (const T &value)
bool push_back (const T &value)
bool push_front_unique (const T &value)
bool push_back_unique (const T &value)
pop_front ()
pop_back ()
T & front ()
T & back ()
iterator begin ()
iterator end ()
iteratorinsertAfter (iterator *iter, const T &value)
iteratorinsertBefore (iterator *iter, const T &value)

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class LinkedList< T >

Defines a template for a linked list.

A list can only hold values of one type, T, defined when the list is created. For example, the following list:

 LinkedList<int> mylist 
can only hold values of type int

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T>
LinkedList< T >::LinkedList   [inline]


Initializes an empty list

template<class T>
LinkedList< T >::LinkedList const LinkedList< T > &    list [inline]

Copy constructor.

Initializes the list with a copy of list

template<class T>
LinkedList< T >::~LinkedList   [inline]

Destructor, clears the list and frees memory.

Member Function Documentation

template<class T>
T& LinkedList< T >::back   [inline]

Returns the last element of the list (without removing it).

If the list is empty, the function fails and calls exit(1)

A reference of the last element of the list

template<class T>
iterator LinkedList< T >::begin   [inline]

Returns an iterator pointing to the first element of the list.

An iterator pointing to first element of the list
See also:
Usage for begin() and end() in the documentation for LinkedList::iterator

template<class T>
void LinkedList< T >::clear   [inline]

Clears the list (removes all elements).

template<class T>
bool LinkedList< T >::contains const T &    value,
iterator   iter

Checks if the given value is found in the list, and if so, returns an iterator pointing to it.

value The value to check for existence in the list
iter [output] An iterator pointing to the element in the list with the given value
Return values:
true value is found in the list
false value is not found in the list

template<class T>
bool LinkedList< T >::contains const T &    value [inline]

Checks if the given value is found in the list.

value The value to check for existence in the list
Return values:
true value is found in the list
false value is not found in the list

template<class T>
bool LinkedList< T >::empty   const [inline]

Checks if list is empty.

Return values:
true The list is empty
false The list is not empty (at least one element)

template<class T>
iterator LinkedList< T >::end   [inline]

Returns an iterator pointing to a dummy element, which is an element after the last element of the list.

An iterator pointing to first element of the list
See also:
Usage for begin() and end() in the documentation for LinkedList::iterator

template<class T>
bool LinkedList< T >::erase iterator    iterBegin,
iterator    iterEnd

Remove all elements in the list between the element pointed by iterBegin, and the element pointed by iterEnd (including both).

iterBegin An iterator pointing to the first element to erase
iterEnd An iterator pointing to the last element to erase
Return values:
true Elements removed succesfully
false Operation failed (iterBegin or iterEnd were not pointing to valid elements)

template<class T>
bool LinkedList< T >::erase iterator    iter [inline]

Remove the element pointed by iter.

iter An iterator pointing to the element to erase
Return values:
true Element removed succesfully
false Operation failed (iter was not pointing to a valid element)

template<class T>
T& LinkedList< T >::front   [inline]

Returns the first element of the list (without removing it).

If the list is empty, the function fails and calls exit(1)

A reference of the first element of the list

template<class T>
iterator* LinkedList< T >::insertAfter iterator   iter,
const T &    value

Inserts a new element with the given value to the list, after the element pointed to by iter.

iter The iterator after which the element should be added
value The value to add
If iter is NULL, the value is not inserted and the function returns NULL; else, the function returns an iterator pointing to the element holding the new value

template<class T>
iterator* LinkedList< T >::insertBefore iterator   iter,
const T &    value

Inserts a new element with the given value to the list, before the element pointed to by iter.

iter The iterator after which the element should be added
value The value to add
If iter is NULL, the value is not inserted and the function returns NULL; else, the function returns an iterator pointing to the element holding the new value

template<class T>
void LinkedList< T >::operator= LinkedList< T > &    list [inline]

Copies all elements of list to the current list (clears current list first).

list The list to copy

template<class T>
T LinkedList< T >::pop_back   [inline]

Remove the last element of the list and return it.

If the list is already empty, the function fails and calls exit(1) (after printing an error message)

The value of the last element of the list (which was removed)

template<class T>
T LinkedList< T >::pop_front   [inline]

Remove the first element of the list and return it.

If the list is already empty, the function fails and calls exit(1) (after printing an error message)

The value of the first element of the list (which was removed)

template<class T>
bool LinkedList< T >::push_back const T &    value [inline]

Insert a new element with the given value to the end of the list.

value The value of the element to add
Return values:
true Operation succeeded
false Operation failed

template<class T>
bool LinkedList< T >::push_back_list LinkedList< T > *    list [inline]

Copies the given list at the end of the current list.

list The list to copy
Return values:
true Operation succeeded
false Operation failed (list is NULL)

template<class T>
bool LinkedList< T >::push_back_unique const T &    value [inline]

Insert a new element with the given value to the end of the list, only if the same value is not already contained in the list.

value The value of the element to add
Return values:
true Operation succeeded (element added)
false Operation failed (value already exists in the list)

template<class T>
bool LinkedList< T >::push_front const T &    value [inline]

Insert a new element with the given value to the head of the list.

value The value of the element to add
Return values:
true Operation succeeded
false Operation failed

template<class T>
bool LinkedList< T >::push_front_unique const T &    value [inline]

Insert a new element with the given value to the head of the list, only if the same value is not already contained in the list.

value The value of the element to add
Return values:
true Operation succeeded (element added)
false Operation failed (value already exists in the list)

template<class T>
bool LinkedList< T >::remove const T &    value [inline]

Remove all the elements in the list whose value is equal to the given value.

value The value to remove from the list
Return values:
true Operation succeeded
false No element was removed (none with the given value)

template<class T>
bool LinkedList< T >::removeAndCount const T &    value,
long &    count

Remove all the elements in the list whose value is equal to the given value, and count the number of elements removed.

value The value to remove from the list
count [output] The number of elements removed from the list
Return values:
true Operation succeeded
false No element was removed (none with the given value)

template<class T>
long LinkedList< T >::size   const [inline]

Returns the list size (number of elements in the list).

The list size

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
MeshMaker 5.2 Manual
This software library was written by Roni Raab,
Last updated on May 2003.
This software is for academic and research use only.