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Backlinks to Git in BETA Web (Search all webs)

Results from BETA web retrieved at 21:19 (GMT)

04/01/10 The basic working bacterial aligner is complete, next up: Include quality information i.e. fill in a meaningful mapping quality value in the...
02/01/10 Made FastqEntry in a class (it was a struct ), which required the addition of a lot of accessor methods. More importantly, it now has a new MutateBelowThreshold...
06/01/10 Meeting with Jay and Chris, up next: Create a simple minimal locate function Modify the aforementioned function to make a single mismatch locate...
03/01/10 Well, I was planning on doing another large self expository entry for Vigna`s select9 , but due to certain circumstances (including but not limited to the...
05/03/10 Meeting with Chris, some things to do and their status: vectorized SW (assigned to Jay) testing and integration readaligner index integration...
Empirical Algorithmics in BETA One of the BETA research areas is Empirical Algorithmics. Of course many computer scientists rely on empirical methods for testing and...
Assuming you`ve up a working git repository, the typical work flow is as follows: 1. In your private repo, move to the branch you wish you branch off of,...
Feature Milestones HAL 1.0 target: September, 2010 Web UI Features Page to add new external target algorithms Page to add new parameter spaces for a...
Using Mercurial with Git Repositories Git: the cool new kid on the block when it comes to revision management. Everyone`s using it. Only problem? Like many tools...
How To Guides Using R Apr 6, 2011 Installing R and RServe Installing R see http://www.r project.org/ Installing packages Installing packages can be...
05/06/10 I`m starting this journal 3 days late (whoops). Here`s a brief overview of what happened during my first three days: Read through a bunch of Daniel`s...
Main page for NGS aligner project Quick facts project directory : /ubc/cs/research/condon/share/projects/ngs aligner blessed code repository : /ubc...
Project Goals SMAC in HAL Port SMAC to HAL through Java/MATLAB interface (January) Implement: ROAR as instantiation of SMBO framework (FH: 8h) Implement...
Setting up a clean private repository: 0. have git installed on your system 1. navigate to the repository where your private ngsa suite repo directory will...
Main.cchris13 2017 01 10 TORQUEViewer Viewer for monitoring TORQUE (installation guide) This page is part of the EmpiricalAlgorithmics web. Getting Started Running...
ticgit is the issue tracker we`ll be using that`s integrated with git: Setting up RubyGems so gems are installed into your home directory (i.e. on the lab computers...
Statistics for BETA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors...
Number of topics: 17

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