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Results from TestCases web retrieved at 00:05 (GMT)

Description: Manual trivial fast sanity checks for script functions. Do them in order, from the top down, as the save tests rely on eachother. Script Description...
Description: Automated formatted search tests. Results dependent on templates used to render search results. Tests only make sense when this topic is viewed with...
Description: Tag tests that can be automated run this test Designed by: Crawford Currie Tag ExpectedActual TOPIC TOPIC TestCaseAutoInternalTags TOPIC <nop...
TestCaseAutoVariableNames Description: Testing the rules for variable names by mixing upper case, lower case, numerical and special characters. run this test Designed...
TestCaseIncludedVerbatim Test if verbatim blocks from included topics get expanded. Fixture: TestCaseIncludedVerbatimData You should see the text `Everything is ok...
TestCaseJavaScriptAffectedStyles Description: Verify CSS styles that are affected by javascript: twikiMakeVisible, twikiMakeVisibleInline, twikiMakeVisibleBlock, twikiMakeHidden...
TestCaseRestTest Description: Verify that the rest script is working properly Click the link below. If the script is working, a page with the text `This is an...
TestCaseSectionalInclude Description: Verify that TWiki:Codev.NamedSectionalincludes are working Verify that only the proper section is being included under each header...
TestCaseSectionalView Description: Verify that TWiki:Codev.AddSectionParam is working This is really ugly could be improved only if including URLs is allowed (which...
.SpacedWikiWordPlugin tests Description: visual test output from .SpacedWikiWordPlugin. Tests in this topic expect NOAUTOLINK to be off. Set NOAUTOLINK...
Run Test Validator Changes TestCases Topics TWiki Admin topics Test fixtures
Statistics for TestCases Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors...
Number of topics: 12

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