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Yu Zhang and Alan K. Mackworth. A Constraint-based Robotic Soccer Team. Constraints, 7:7–28, 2002.
It is a challenging task for a team of multiple fast-moving robots to cooperate with each other and to compete with another team in a dynamic, real-time environment. For a robot team to play soccer successfully, various technologies have to be incorporated including robotic architecture, multi-agent collaboration and realtime reasoning. A robot is an integrated system, with a controller embedded in its plant. A robotic system is the coupling of a robot to its environment. Robotic systems are, in general, hybrid dynamic systems, consisting of continuous, discrete and event-driven components. Constraint Nets (CN) provide a semantic model for modeling hybrid dynamic systems. Controllers are embedded constraint solvers that solve constraints in realtime. A controller for our robot soccer team, UBC Dynamo98, has been modeled in CN, and implemented in Java, using the Java Beans architecture. A coach program using an evolutionary algorithm has also been designed and implemented to adjust the weights of the constraints and other parameters in the controller. The results demonstrate that the formal CNapproach is a practical tool for designing and implementing controllers for robots in multi-agent real-time environments. They also demonstrate the effectiveness of applying the evolutionary algorithm to the CN-modeled controllers.
@Article{Constraints02, author = {Yu Zhang and Alan K. Mackworth}, title = {A Constraint-based Robotic Soccer Team}, year = {2002}, journal = {Constraints}, volume = {7}, pages = {7--28}, abstract = {It is a challenging task for a team of multiple fast-moving robots to cooperate with each other and to compete with another team in a dynamic, real-time environment. For a robot team to play soccer successfully, various technologies have to be incorporated including robotic architecture, multi-agent collaboration and realtime reasoning. A robot is an integrated system, with a controller embedded in its plant. A robotic system is the coupling of a robot to its environment. Robotic systems are, in general, hybrid dynamic systems, consisting of continuous, discrete and event-driven components. Constraint Nets (CN) provide a semantic model for modeling hybrid dynamic systems. Controllers are embedded constraint solvers that solve constraints in realtime. A controller for our robot soccer team, UBC Dynamo98, has been modeled in CN, and implemented in Java, using the Java Beans architecture. A coach program using an evolutionary algorithm has also been designed and implemented to adjust the weights of the constraints and other parameters in the controller. The results demonstrate that the formal CNapproach is a practical tool for designing and implementing controllers for robots in multi-agent real-time environments. They also demonstrate the effectiveness of applying the evolutionary algorithm to the CN-modeled controllers. }, bib2html_pubtype ={Refereed Journal}, bib2html_rescat ={}, }
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