Alan K. Mackworth's Publications

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Designing CIspace: Pedagogy and Usability in a Learning Environment for AI

S. Amershi, N. Arksey, G. Carenini, C. Conati, Alan K. Mackworth, H. Maclaren, and D. Poole. Designing CIspace: Pedagogy and Usability in a Learning Environment for AI. In Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Information and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE 2005, pp. 178–182, Monte de Caparica, Portugal, June 2005.




This paper describes the design of the CIspace interactive visualization tools for teaching and learning Artificial Intelligence. Our approach to design is to iterate through three phases: identifying pedagogical and usability goals for supporting both educators and students, designing to achieve these goals, and then evaluating our system. We believe identifying these goals is essential in confronting the usability deficiencies and mixed results about the pedagogical effectiveness of interactive visualizations reported in the Education literature. The CIspace tools have been used and positively received in undergraduate and graduate classrooms at the University of British Columbia and internationally. We hope that our experiences can inform other developers of interactive visualizations and encourage their use in classrooms and other learning environments


  author =	 {S. Amershi and N. Arksey and G. Carenini and C. Conati and Alan K. Mackworth and H. Maclaren and D. Poole},
  title =	 {Designing CIspace: Pedagogy and Usability in a Learning Environment for AI},
  year =	 {2005}, 
  month =        {June},
  booktitle =	 {Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Information and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE 2005}, 
  address =      {Monte de Caparica, Portugal},
  pages =         {178--182},
  abstract =	 {This paper describes the design of the CIspace interactive
                  visualization tools for teaching and learning Artificial
                  Intelligence. Our approach to design is to iterate through three
                  phases: identifying pedagogical and usability goals for supporting
                  both educators and students, designing to achieve these goals, and
                  then evaluating our system. We believe identifying these goals is
                  essential in confronting the usability deficiencies and mixed
                  results about the pedagogical effectiveness of interactive
                  visualizations reported in the Education literature. The CIspace
                  tools have been used and positively received in undergraduate and
                  graduate classrooms at the University of British Columbia and
                  internationally. We hope that our experiences can inform other
                  developers of interactive visualizations and encourage their use in
                  classrooms and other learning environments},
  bib2html_pubtype ={Refereed Conference Proceeding},
  bib2html_rescat ={},

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