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Scenes Class Reference

Manages all the available scenes. More...

List of all members.

Public Methods

RESULT addNewScene (SceneID &sID)
RESULT removeScene (SceneID sID)
RESULT setCurrentScene (SceneID sID)
RESULT getCurrentScene (SceneID &sID, Mesh **nmesh=NULL, Renderer **nrenderer=NULL)
RESULT getScene (SceneID sID, Mesh **nmesh, Renderer **nrenderer)

Detailed Description

Manages all the available scenes.

A scene is made of a Mesh and a corresponding Renderer, and there can be as many scenes defined as the user wishes. A scene is identified by a unique SceneID.

Member Function Documentation

RESULT Scenes::addNewScene SceneID   sID

Create a new scene and set it as the current one.

sID [output] The ID of the new created scene
Return values:
OK Operation succeeded
The new added scene becomes the current scene, and can be accessed with the variables mesh and renderer (no need to explicitly call getCurrentScene);

RESULT Scenes::getCurrentScene SceneID   sID,
Mesh **    nmesh = NULL,
Renderer **    nrenderer = NULL

Get the current scene's Mesh and Renderer.

Example of usage:

SceneID sID;
Mesh* newMesh;
Renderer* newRenderer;
scenes->getCurrentScene(sID, &newMesh, &newRenderer);
sID [output] The ID of the current scene
nmesh [output] The address of a pointer to the Mesh of the scene
nrenderer [output] The address of a pointer to the Renderer of the scene
Return values:
OK Operation succeeded

RESULT Scenes::getScene SceneID    sID,
Mesh **    nmesh,
Renderer **    nrenderer

Get the scene's (with ID sID) Mesh and Renderer.

Example of usage:

Mesh* newMesh;
Renderer* newRendered;
scenes->getScene(sID, &newMesh, &newRenderer);
sID The ID of the scene
nmesh [output] The address of a pointer to a Mesh (*nmesh will point to the scene's Mesh)
nrenderer [output] The address of a pointer to the Renderer (*nrenderer will point to the scene's Renderer)
Return values:
OK Operation succeeded
SceneNotFound No scene was found with the ID sID

RESULT Scenes::removeScene SceneID    sID

Remove the given scene.

sID The ID of the scene to be removed
Return values:
OK Operation succeeded
SceneNotFound No scene was found with the ID sID
SceneUnremovable Given SceneID is the ID of the current scene (unable to remove current scene).

RESULT Scenes::setCurrentScene SceneID    sID

Set current scene to scene with ID sID.

sID The ID of the scene to be set as current
Return values:
OK Operation succeeded
SceneNotFound No scene was found with the ID sID
The new added scene becomes the current scene, and can be accessed with the variables mesh and renderer (no need to explicitly call getCurrentScene);

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
MeshMaker 5.2 Manual
This software library was written by Roni Raab,
Last updated on May 2003.
This software is for academic and research use only.