Use random colors to color the different faces.
Displays text at given screen coordinates.
Get current backface culling mode (enabled/disabled).
Set background color.
Get the color of the given cylinder.
Gets the current cylinder drawing policy.
Get the default cylinders color.
Get the color of the given edge.
Get the default edges color.
Get the color of the given face.
Get the default faces color.
Gets the mode of the edges highlighting (enabled/disabled).
Gets the mode of the faces highlighting (enabled/disabled).
Gets the mode of the vertices highlighting (enabled/disabled).
Get the color of the given line.
Gets the current line drawing policy.
Get the default lines color.
Get current perspective/orthographics mode.
Get current rendering mode.
Get the color of the given sphere.
Gets the current sphere drawing policy.
Get the default spheres color.
Get the text color.
Get the image used in the texture mapping.
Get the current texture mapping state.
Get the color of the given vertex.
Get the (u,v) texture mapping coordinate of a vertex.
Get the default vertices color.
Toggles rendering of all edges as thick lines.
Toggles highlighting of all faces.
Toggles rendering of all vertices as small cubes.
Toggles highlighting of a given edge.
Toggles highlighting of a given face.
Toggles highlighting of a given vertex.
Allows the user to pick an edge with a mouse left-click.
Allows the user to pick a face with a mouse left-click.
Allows the user to pick a vertex with a mouse left-click.
Refreshes the model viewed in the window (in case the user made a change which has not yet been shown).
Rotate the mesh around a given axis at a given angle.
Scale the mesh (uniformly on each axis).
Sets all the cylinders to use the default cylinder color. The default cylinders color will be changed to the given color
Sets all the edges to use the default edge color. The default edges color will be changed to the given color
Sets all the faces to use the default face color. The default faces color will be changed to the given color
Sets all the lines to use the default line color. The default lines color will be changed to the given color
Sets all the spheres to use the default sphere color. The default spheres color will be changed to the given color
Sets all the vertices to use the default vertex color. The default vertices color will be changed to the given color
Toggles auto rendering after each model change. If set to false, rendering of the window will occur only when the user calls refreshScreen(). Otherwise, the window will be re-rendered after each mouse move and model change.
Toggles auto scaling after each model change. If set to true, rescaling of the model will occur automatically after every model change.
Enable/disable backface culling.
Set background color.
Set the color of the given cylinder.
Toggles rendering of cylinders.
Set the default cylinders color.
Set the color of the given edge.
Set the default edges color.
Set the color of the given face.
Set the default faces color.
Set the color of the given line.
Toggles rendering of lines.
Set the default lines color.
Toggles interacting with the model (using the mouse events).
Set to perspective/orthographics mode.
Set the rendering mode.
Set the color of the given sphere.
Toggles rendering of spheres.
Set the default spheres color.
Set the text color.
Set the image to use in the texture mapping.
Enable/disable texture mapping.
Set the color of the given vertex.
Set the (u,v) texture mapping coordinate of a vertex.
Set the default vertices color.
Set the (u,v) texture mapping coordinate for a list of vertices.
Translate the mesh.