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Recent Changes in SPL Web retrieved at 01:08 (GMT)

Clint Morgan Problem Programming is hard. The author attributes the standard text string representation of programs as a major source of this difficulty. Contributions...
John`s Review Problem This paper presents a tool that allows developers to determine who (a person or organizational group) has relevant experience with a particular...
This page provides information about thesis proposals from the SPL group. Copies of Thesis Proposals Copies of thesis proposals are voluntarily posted at /cs/spl...
Date Paper Authors Jul 31 2003 On Finding Duplication and Near Duplication in Large Software Systems Brenda S. Baker Aug 7 2003 Visitor Combination and Traversal...
Chris`s Review Problem Addressed This paper identifies the core idea underlying many fundamental and apparently distinct results over the last ten years of POPL...
Mik`s Review Problem Modern IDEs don`t provide programmers with adequate support for comprehending and navigating the subset of the system that is relevant to their...
Sara`s Review Problem Navigation and understanding of the source code for performing a modification task is difficult, especially when the system is complicated...
Shawn`s Review Problem Addressed This paper address the problem of bugs occuring in a GUI application. Since it is hard for people to remember what bugs exist...
Date Discussion Contributors Paper Reviews June 1 Chris , Ed, Navjot Sheard T (2004). Languages of the Future. doi:10.1145/1028664.1028711 Extended Abstract...
Jan`s Review Summary Requirements documents contain information about the concerns (here: ...
Date Discussion Contributors Paper Authors Link Reviews Nov 7 Andrew , Clint, Brian link Reviews Nov 14 Jan , Shawn, Mik link Reviews Nov...
Date Discussion Contributors Paper Reviews Dec 5 Brett , Lyndon, Andrew Reviews Dec 12 Petri , Maria, John Reviews
Date Discussion Contributors Paper Authors Link Reviews Oct 3 Mik , Lyndon, Terry The Architecture of Cooperation: Does Code Architecture Mitigate Free...
ChrisDutchyn 24 Oct 2005 Review from Chris Dutchyn Problem Program specifications, especially in Hoare logic formulation, for large systems tend to aggregate...
Date Discussion Contributors Paper Reviews Sept 26 Brian , Ed, Sara Ko AJ, Myers BA the Whyline: a debugging interface for asking questions about program...
SPL Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the SPL web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can be...
Info for getting tools to work. Compiling an unmanaged executable for reading with Phoenix `cl Zi link debug debugtype:cv,fixup` Here is a way to visualize...
Analysis Tools for C Wikipedia: Static Code Analysis Smells for .NET, disassembly tool. Main.wohlstad 31 May 2005
Main.wohlstad 06 Jun 2005 qualified types.cs: Helper functions for serializing type formats. For more information see: name mangling
The Phoenix Project Goal of the project: to develop a domain specific language for Design Rule checking, as well as a an efficient way of verifying these rules on...
Main.wohlstad 06 May 2005 Spring Container etc.. Injection Pattern (Fowler) WebFlow Main.forghani May 9th Week, 2005 Spring Aspects in Middleware...
Paolo Tonella and Mariano Ceccato. Aspect mining through the formal concept analysis of execution traces. In Proc. of the Working Conference on Reverse Engineering...
Phoenix Project Related Work Related AspectJ MetaL JQuery BDDBDDB Aspect Mining Aspect Mining Using Event Traces...
Aspect Oriented Design Rules Aspect oriented design rules are DesignRules which are specifically related to or caused by the introduction of aspect oriented language...
Silvia Breu and Jens Krinke. Aspect mining using event traces. In Proc. of the Conference on Automatic Software Engineering , 2004. This project uses dynamic execution...
Phoenix Microsoft new compiler framework for .net. KrisDeVolder 10 May 2005
Binary Decision Diagram An efficient data structure for representing boolean functions. The most commongly used BDD today are actually Reduced Order BDD. This is a...
This page is a stub for the Macros with Display Control (MDC) project. As I get more ideas, I`ll be placeing them here. AndrewEisenberg 08 May 2005 A little food...
Pointcut by Example Project As his Master`s research project EdMcCormick is developing IDE tool support for editing AspectJ pointcut expressions. The idea of pointcut...
Execute After Put Context An API specific design rule for the tyRuBa.tdbc package. Description Calls to PreparedInsert.put (..) should always be followed...
BDD Based Deductive Database What is BDDBDB? From the BDDBDB website: bddbddb stands for BDD Based Deductive Database It is an implementation of Datalog, a declarative...
All the Engler stuff. See also documentation from the commercial Coverity version. Main.wohlstad 06 May 2005 Extenddocs.htm: Coverity Extend Docs
Visit All Children Context A design rule for implementing the visit methods of in a visitor design pattern. The rule is probably application specific in that it...
Design Rules Repository This page is the start of a hopefully growing collection of Design Rules. By building this collection of examples we will hopefully be able...
Design Rules Note This is only an attempt to provide a definition / vision on what we mean by `design rule`. This is not intended to be the final word on...
HypotheticaL Stands for Hypothethical Language. By inventing and thinking about this fictional language`s hypothetical syntax to express the desing rules the way you...
How to Add a Design Rule 1. Find an existing design rule to use as a template. 1. Click `Edit`. 1. Copy the contents of the edit box. 1. Go to the DesignRulesRepository...
Lazy Initialization Context A general design rule for Java, related to the toString method that is implemented on Object . Description Non abstract classes should...
TyRuBa Declarative logic programming language used by JQuery. see http://tyruba.sourceforge.net Main.kdvolder 05 May 2005
JQuery An Eclipse Plugin that provides a query based source code browser for the Java programming language. JQuery employs the TyRuBa logic programming and builds...
Lazy Initialization Context An internal, application specific set of design rules in the implementation of TyRuBa. These rule ensure that the instance variables of...
AspectJ An Aspect Oriented programming language that is an extension of Java. This language is intersting for our purpose (Design Rule checking) because: 1. It...
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