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Recent Changes in SPL Web retrieved at 03:28 (GMT)

Statistics for SPL Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors for...
SPL Research Seminar Schedule Fall 2014 We meet in the SPL lab 2:30 3:30 every Wednesday. Date Who Topic 9/10/14...
Welcome to the home of SPL. This is a web based collaboration area for the Software Practices Lab Administrative StartingGuide for new SPL members...
NESIS Mobile App Documentation One NECSIS project that we are working on is an Android app for General Motors engineers to self report their activities. These can...
Using Editorial Comments in Latex Ever wonder how you can effectively insert comments into your own LateX output, and easily turn those comments on or off? Here`s...
Top Menu of SPL Web This topic defines the menu structure of the SPL web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web` Create New Topic...
Quick Links Fishtail project page: http://www.cs.ubc.ca/labs/spl/projects/fishtail/ Directory for the project page: /cs/web/cs.ubc.ca/docs/labs/spl/projects...
http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/djg/papers/oopsla2010jsaspects.pdf Reading Group Flow Peng: 1st Present overview of paper James: 2nd Open discussion...
Date Discussion Contributors Paper Authors Link Reviews Sept 22 Roberto and Alex Which warnings should I fix first? Kim, S. and Ernst, M. D....
Peng`s Review James`s Review
Lab meetings will be held on Wednesdays from 1 2 in the lab roughly every other week (fortnightly). All lab members should attend. Meetings will consist of practice...
Kim, S. and Ernst, M. D. 2007. Which warnings should I fix first?. In Proceedings of the the 6th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and...
Ko AJ, Myers BA (2004). the Whyline: a debugging interface for asking questions about program behavior Brian`s Review PROBLEM ADDRESSED In previous studies, the...
Date Discussion Contributors Paper Authors Link Reviews Sept 26 Brian , Ed, Sara Designing the Whyline: a debugging interface for asking questions about...
Procedure 1. The discussion leader (a Ph`D student) chooses a paper to be reviewed (See below for suggestions on choosing papers). The paper needs to be approved...
SPLuRGe (SPL Reading Group) Papers Reviewed (Past, Present, and Future) 2010 Fall 2005 Summer 2005 Before Summer 2005 Notice: This page...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this SPL web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come...
Spyglass Documentations Software development environments have evolved to make it easy for third parties to integrate a variety of tools into the environment. Previous...
Here are some helpful tips for new members to the SPL. The lab web page is at Add yourself to the SPL mailing list: mail mailto:majordomo@cs.ubc.ca majordomo...
Printer links can be found off of http://www.cs.ubc.ca/local/computing/ . Various people in the lab can be asked on how to set up for Windows. For Mac help, ask Brett...
JQuery Release Process (rough notes) for each of {binary only, source included} export backend and browser plugin packages as directories (not directly...
Refactoring Reading Group KrisDeVolder, AlexBradley, RickChern, LloydMarkle Template for evaluating papers Email these to discussion leader beforehand:...
This page will soon have all of the schedule of papers to read. Unless otherwise noted (i.e., Feb 7), meetings will be in Room 304 at 11am on Thursdays. Papers...
Syllbaus for Directed Studies in Software Engineering Term 2: Winter 2007 2008 Gail Murphy Vital Statistics Lectures: By appointment, 1 hour per week minimum Office...
Directed Studies in Software Engineering Term 2, 2007 2008 Instructor: Gail Murphy Software systems are amongst the most complex artifacts that humans build. These...
Being the Python evangelist that I am, I occasionally hold tutorials within the lab to teach people about the language. This page is to help organize the tutorials...
Ensure somebody has been assigned with event organizational ownership. They don`t necessarily have to do anything other than ensure that everything necessary is done...
This list is not guaranteed to be complete nor correct; please check your deadlines against the actual calls for papers. ... And correct and extend this list!...
This is a list of suggestions that came out of a lab meeting in February 2006. 1. Make a list of people to speak to at the conference. This may feel like it makes...
Desk allocation is maintained by Gregor. Centralizing this makes it possible to do future planning in a way that would not otherwise be possible. In doing desk allocation...
Location Person Machine Name OS Speed Memory Display Notes A1 Ryan gowlin Win XP 1.86Ghz 1.00 GB wide lcd IBM T43 A2 empty dacron Win XP ?...
NAME NOTES SUPPORT URL Paypal WSDL https://developer.paypal.com/ eBay WSDL http://developer.ebay.com/common/api Google WSDL...
WebProgramming FoRGe As web based applications evolve from simple quick hacks and scripts to critical business applications and become increasingly more complex the...
Bug Triage General Overview Open source software projects typically have a bug repository that allows both developers and users to post problems encountered with...
Finding a good paper to present in SPLuRGe is challanging. This page provides a location for people to suggest papers that may be of interest to the whole group...
FoRGe: Focussed Reading Groups What is a FoRGe? A new format and style for organizing reading groups that the Software Practices Lab is trying out in 2006. A Focussed...
This is a list of suggested papers that could be read and discussed in this area: Case Studies of Open Source Software Development: Apache and Mozilla Identification...
TWiki`s SPL web The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
This is the page where we are going to organize our 2005 Holiday party for the SPL. Who: You (i.e. SPL members or soon to be members), spouses, partners, and children...
Demos for Dec 5 Demonstrator Title of Demo Brian Ariadne: Conceptual Queries for Software Development John Automating Bug Assignment Mik Mylar: A Task Focussed...
ThomasFritz 21 Nov 2005 Review from Thomas Fritz Problem The paper presents the AHEAD model, an approach for the refinement of programs as well as their non code...
EdMcCormick 21 Nov 2005
The website is maintained as a set of static pages under CVS control. You must be part of the spl web group to edit the files. Checkout the latest version...
Jan Hannemann Problem The paper provides an approach for replacing OO code fragments with corresponding AOP constructs. The approach consists of an iterative four...

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