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Results from Imager web retrieved at 16:26 (GMT)

Discussion on May 19th 2006 reading group meeting Paper presented: Arikan, Okan. Compression of Motion Capture Databases , to appear in Siggraph 2006 proceedings...
Discussion on May 26th 2006 reading group meeting Paper presented: Kang Hoon Lee, Myung Geol Choi and Jehee Lee. Motion Patches: Building Blocks for Virtual Environments...
Character Animation Reading Group Archive Papers previously discussed in the reading group. Sep 21, 2005 Agenda Discussion leader: Dana Sharon `Poincare...
CPSC 314 Planning 2013 teaching plan GoogleDoc Wiemanization: learning goals Wiemanization: ideas intro tutorials and assignment about code development in...
CPSC 514: Rendering This is the wiki for CPSC 514. It houses discussions for the course. Discussions Please add your discussion items to the top of the list, and...
CPSC 526 Class Wiki Papers Date Paper Reviews Fri Nov 18 Evolving Virtual Creatures ^ Practical Character Physics for Animators Fri Nov...
CS 260 Course TA and Marker information page The course web page is at: http://www.ugrad.cs.ubc.ca/~cs260/ Course Staff Contact Information Please provide a phone...
Video/Screen Capture and Editing Video capture (or screen capture) and video editing capabilities are available on the shared machine caber. It sits in x...
Practical Character Physics For Animators Review : `Practical Character Physics for Animators` Contribution: Interactive system to enhance character motions, by...
Character Animation Reading Group Homepage MOCCA: Motion Control and Character Animation Meetings Mar 16, 2012 Shailen presents, x718, 11am Continuation...
Character Animation Home Welcome to the home page of the Character Animation group at UBC. Character animation people at UBC MichielVanDePanne (faculty)...
JamesGregson 18 Feb 2011 Espresso/Milk Czar Duties Ensure steady supply of coffee beans, milk and tea for the imager coffee pool Stocks cleaning supplies...
If you would like your machine to be frozen because of a conference deadline, please add the appropriate information in the table below and also send an e mail to...
Configuration Hardware CyberwareColor 3D Digitizer Model: 3030RGB/MS Serial: 1208 Mfg.: June 2003 Software TBD Guide to using the Cyberware...
JamesGregson 18 Feb 2011 Czar of Czars Duties With the Faculty Overseer, the Czar of Czars helps to maintain the Czar system by: Maintaining an up to date list...
JamesGregson 29 Jan 2013 Czarship Duties Czar of Czars Maintain current list of Czarships and Czars Work with faculty to fill Czarships left vacant by...
Imager Czarships Below is the current list of Czarships, the member of IMAGER responsible for that area, when they are likely to need replacing, and who their supervisor...
Number of topics: 17

Topic revision: r78 - 2015-01-09 - LauraSelander
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