Student Life

ACM ICPC World Finals 2009 in Stockholm, Sweden

UBC's ACM Team Places 4th at Regionals

Every year, the ACM ICPC draws students from over 1,800 universities around the world to rack their brains in intense, mind-twisting competition. For six out of…


The Computer Science Department is a community of students, faculty and staff working together. We provide department, community and outreach programs, and encourage computer science students to get involved. Every year, about 150 undergrads and

Groups and Activities

The department's Committee for Outreach, Diversity and Equity (CODE) hosts events and groups, and also encourages students to form their own affinity groups, supported financially and administratively by the committee. They're always looking for grad

Co-op Program

Next application deadline Co-op is an option where you can intersperse your school terms with real work. The program offers students opportunities to apply what they have learned from school. Many students choose to come to UBC for their Computer