Projects and Competitions
There are various opportunities CS students can combine what they learn in CS courses with their interests and passion. Students can choose to form teams with other CS students to work on projects, participate in competitions such as the ICPC Programming Competition, or join a wide variety of hackathons and challenges. Here are some examples:
UBC CS Programs:
- CS Tri-mentoring now has a project stream where students are matched with industry mentors to work on side projects.
- Diversity in CS Project Hub supports women students to form teams and work on projects of their choice by providing mentoring and workshops. We recruit participants every October via the undergraduate weekly newsletter.
Other UBC Programs:
- Map the System Challenge, offered by CCEL
- Cloud, Healthcare, and Research Projects, offered by CIC
- CORE Venture Building Program, offered by e@UBC
- UBC Research Impact Challenge, offered by VPR&I
- UBC Data Science for Social Good, offered by DSI
- EML Projects, offered by Emerging Media Lab
External Programs:
- AI for Future Business Challenge
- Challenge4ClimateAction
- Citadel West Coast Terminal Live
- Ericsson Innovation Award
- GIX Innovation Competition
- Google Summer of Code
- Mental Health Support App Project
- Microsoft Imagine Cup
- Mozilla Open Lab Project
- NSERC COHESA Student Design Competition
- Outreachy
- Schneider Go Green Challenge
Student Clubs:
- Code the Change
- UBC Launchpad
- You can consider starting a Blueprint student chapter to connect non-profit with student projects
Competitions and Hackathons:
UBC Programs:
- Capture the Flag
- Cmd-f
- ICPC Programming Competition
- nwHacks
- UBC Undergraduate 3-Minute Thesis Competition