Non-Degree Students or Visiting Students
Students with Unclassified, Access, or Visiting status (not in Go Global) must complete Enrolment of Non-Degree Student in Graduate Courses form if they wish to take a graduate course. Approval from the course instructor and the graduate program advisor (Associate Head of the Graduate Program) are required. Once the instructor's signature is obtained, the form should be sent to the Graduate Program Assistant ( It will be forwarded to the Graduate Program Advisor for approval. The form is then sent to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for processing. Please refer to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies website for detailed information about their guidelines for unclassified students taking graduate courses.
CPSC 540: All students except for EECE & CS grad students must submit the 540 Prerequisite Form and the Enrolment of Non-Degree Student in Graduate Courses to the instructor for approval. The student can pick up the form from the instructor after the instructor has reviewed it. If approved, the student will need to forward the Enrolment of Non-Degree Student in Graduate Courses form to the Graduate Program Assistant ( for the Graduate Program Advisor's signature. The form is then sent to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for processing. Please refer to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies website for detailed information about their guidelines for unclassified students taking graduate courses.
Go Global
Students in the Go Global program should use the Enrollment of Undergraduate students Go Global Exchange Student in a graduate course form. Approval of the course instructor and the graduate program advisor (Associate Head of the Graduate Program) are required. Student should obtain the instructor's signature then submit an electronic copy of the form to the Graduate Program Assistant ( She will forward it to the Graduate Program Advisor for approval. The form is then sent to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for processing.