Careers & Job Hunting Resources
Computer science & engineering students interested in improving communication skills, searching for a job or launching a business can find these resources and more at the ICICS/CS Reading Room.
To find more resources, search our catalogue. Suggested keywords: employment, vocational guidance, interviewing, resumes, entrepreneurship, business communication, presentations.
Job Hunting (interviews, résumés)
- The 2-hour job search : using technology to get the right job faster / Dalton.
HF 5382.7 D35 2012 - Ace the data science interview : 201 real interview questions asked by FAANG, tech startups, & Wall Street / Huo, Singh.
HF 5549.5 I6 H86 2021 - Ace the IT interview : the best interviewing strategies for IT professionals / Moreira.
HF 5549.5 I6 M674 2008 - Ace the IT résumé : resumes and cover letters to get you hired. 2nd ed. / Moreira.
HF 5383 M67 2007 - Ace the programming interview : 160 questions and answers for success / Guiness.
HF 5549.5 I6 G85 2013 - Algorithms for interviews : a problem solving approach / Aziz, Prakash.
QA 76.9 A43 A36 2010 - Are you smart enough to work at Google? : trick questions, zen-like riddles, insanely difficult puzzles, and other devious interviewing techniques you need to know to get a job anywhere in the new economy / Poundstone.
HF 5549.5 I6 P678 2012 - Coding interview patterns : nail your next coding interview / Xu, Gunawardane
QA 76.6 X83 2024 - Coding interviews : questions, analysis & solutions / He.
HF 5549.5 I6 H44 2012 - Cracking the coding interview : 189 programming questions and solutions. 6th ed. / Laakmann McDowell
QA 76.6 M34 2015 (plus older edition) - Cracking the PM interview : how to land a product manager job in technology / McDowell, Bavaro
HF 5415.15 M335 2013 - Cracking the tech career : insider advice on landing a job at Google, Microsoft, Apple, or any top tech company / Laakmann McDowell
HC 79 H53 M42 2014 - Elements of programming interviews / Aziz; Prakash; Lee
QA 76.9 A43 E6 2012 - Elements of programming interviews in Java: the insiders' guide / Aziz; Lee; Prakash
QA 76.73 J38 A96 2015 - Get the job : optimize your resume for the online job search / Pamela Paterson
HF 5382.7 P388 2013 - The google resume : how to prepare for a career and land a job at Apple, Microsoft, Google, or any top tech company / Laakmann McDowell.
HF 5383 M335 2011 - Hacking the system design interview : real big tech interview questions and in-depth solutions / Stanley Chiang.
HF 5549.5 I6 C45 2022 - How to find a job on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. 2nd ed. / Schepp.
HF 5382.7 S34 2012 - Knock 'em dead : the ultimate job search guide, 2017 / Yate
HF 5549.5 I6 Y37 2017 - Machine learning system design interview : an insider's guide / Ali Aminian, Alex Xu.
HF 5549.5 I6 A45 2023 - Programming interviews exposed : coding your way through the interview. 4th ed. / Mongan, Kindler, Giguere.
HF 5549.5 I6 M664 2018 - Resume writing for IT professionals / Allan Green and Shelley Fox.
HF 5383 G777 2015 - System design interview : an insider's guide. Volume 2. / Alex Xu, Sahn Lam.
HF 5549.5 I6 X8 2022 - Tech job hunt handbook : career management for technical professionals / Grossman
HF 5382.7 G76 2012 - Tell me about yourself : storytelling to get jobs and propel your career / Hansen.
HF 5549.5 I6 H346 2009
Academic & Education Careers
- CV handbook : a curriculum vitae owner's manual / Coghill-Behrends, Anthony.
HF 5383 C625 2011 - The academic job search handbook. 4th ed. / Vick, Furlong.
LB 2331.72 H465 2008 - The Chicago handbook for teachers : a practical guide to the college classroom. 2nd ed. / Brinkley ... [et al.].
LB 2331 C52 2011 - The PhD handbook for the academic job search : an owner's manual for finding jobs : the best reference on the market for those with a PhD, MFA, MD, DDS and a whole lot of brains / Coghill-Behrends; Anthony.
HF 5383 C645 2011 - University Affairs
Monthly Canadian publication (JOURNAL section)
Business (entrepreneurship, management)
- The art of the start : the time-tested, battle-hardened guide for anyone starting anything / Kawasaki.
HD 62.5 K38 2004 - BC Business.
Monthly business magazine (JOURNAL section) - Business : the ultimate resource.
HD 38.15 B878 2006 (REFERENCE section) - Business in Vancouver.
Weekly business newspaper (JOURNAL section) - Business model generation : a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers / Osterwalder, Pigneur
HD 30.28 O778 2010 - Engineering your start-up : a guide for the high-tech entrepreneur. 2nd ed. / Swanson, Baird.
HD 62.37 B35 2003 - Harvard business review.
Bimonthly business magazine (JOURNAL section) - Hello, startup : a programmer's guide to building products, technologies, and teams / Brikman
QA 76.6 B7382 2015 - How Google works / Schmidt, Rosenberg
HD 9696.8 U64 G66647 2014 (also available Audiobook) - The industries of the future / Ross
HC 79 T4 R677 2016 - Mastering the VC game : a venture capital insider reveals how to get from start-up to IPO on your own terms / Bussgang.
HG 4751 B875 2010 - Smart and gets things done : Joel Spolsky's concise guide to finding the best technical talent / Spolsky.
QA 76.25 S664 2007 - Start your own business. 5th ed. / by Entrepreneur Media, Inc.
HD 62.5 E559 2010 - Tap : unlocking the mobile economy / Ghose
HF 5548.34 G46 2017 - The upstarts : how Uber, airbnb, and the killer companies of the New Silicon Valley are changing the world / Stone
HD 62.5 S76 U67 2017 - Trillion-dollar coach : the leadership playbook from Silicon Valley's Bill Campbell / Schmidt, Rosenberg, Eagle
HF 5549.5 C53 S35 2019 - What would Google do? / Jarvis.
HD 30.2 J375 2009 - Work rules! : insights from inside Google that will transform how you live and lead / Bock
HD 57.7 B633 2015
Communication (writing, presenting, networking, social media)
- Barron's IELTS : international English language testing system. 3rd ed. / Lougheed.
PE 1128 L887 2013 - Branding yourself : how to use social media to invent or reinvent yourself. 2nd ed. / Deckers, Lacy
HD 69 S8 D43 2013 - Business communication : process and product. 4th ed. / Guffey, Rhodes, Rogin.
HF 5718.3 G82 2004 - Confessions of a public speaker / Berkun.
PN 4058 B47 B47 2010 - The elements of style : and, How to speak and write correctly. / William Strunk Jr. and Joseph Devlin.
PE 1408 S772 2006 - Practical English usage / Swan.
PE 1106 S94 2005 (REFERENCE section) - Presentation zen : simple ideas on presentation design and delivery. 2nd ed. / Reynolds.
HF 5718.22 R49 2012 (also DVD) - Presenting to win : the art of telling your story / Weissman.
HF 5718.22 W45 2009 - Slide:ology : the art and science of creating great presentations / Duarte.
HF 5718.22 D83 2008 - Talk like TED : the 9 public speaking secrets of the world's top minds / Gallo
HF 5718.22 G353 2014 (also Audiobook)
Professional & Career Development (project management, product development, professional advancement)
- The art of project management / Berkun.
HD 69 P75 B47 2005 - Being geek : the software developer's career handbook / Lopp.
QA 76.76 D47 L67 2010 - Lean in : for graduates / Sandberg, Scovell
HD 6054.3 S266 2014 (also Audiobook) - Lean in : women, work, and the will to lead / Sandberg.
HD 6054.3 S265 2013 - Making it big in software : get the job. Work the org. Become great. / Lightstone.
QA 76.25 L54 2010 - Making things happen : mastering project management / Berkun
HD 69 P75 B47 2008 - Managing humans : biting and humorous tales of a software engineering manager. 2nd ed. / Lopp.
HF 5549 L578 2012 - Maximum success with Linkedin : dominate your market, build a global brand, and create the career of your dreams / Sherman.
HD 69 S8 S535 2013 - The principles of product development flow : second generation lean product development / Reinertsen
TS 170 R45 2009 - Project management for mere mortals / Baca.
HD 69 P75 B324 2007 - Radical candor : be a kick-ass boss without losing your humanity / Kim Scott
HD 38.2 S41 2017 - Team geek : a software developer's guide to working well with others / Fitzpatrick, Collins-Sussman.
HD 66 F58 2012 - Women in tech : take your career to the next level with practical advice and inspiring stories / Van Vlack
T 36 W646 2016