Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS)
Aastha Mehta introducing Stefan Saroiu (Microsoft Research)
Photo credit: Laura Selander
An exchange of ideas. Experts in their field. A connection between speakers, students, faculty and the general public. Our Distinguished Lecture Series provides the ideal forum for researchers to speak about their latest advances that are at the forefront of the field for which they are renowned by peers.
The seminars are hosted by the Department of Computer Science at UBC Point Grey campus. Speakers are invited by the research group, and there is no charge to attend.
Come, listen, learn and be inspired.
For more information, please contact Holly Kwan: hmitchel@cs.ubc.ca
DLS Time/Location
DLS talks are usually scheduled on Thursdays (3:30-4:50 pm). Please note the room location may vary across campus.