Career Resources
We've got all you need in this Career Resources section to help you find a job. Plan your career, get salary info and more.
ICICS/CS Reading Room Resources (in ICCS Room 262):
- Job hunting books (interviews, resumes, etc.) along with some other career resources available there
- Books recommended for programming interview preparation (program management, software development and testing)
Online resources
The Riley Guide: Gives extensive listings of online sites and services useful for job searching
Quintessential Careers: Comprehensive career development site
TalentEgg: Canadian web site for upcoming and new graduates - has job postings and career advice
Interview resources
Microsoft Interview: Great overview of process and types of technical interview questions
"How would you move Mount Fuji? Microsoft's cult of the puzzle: How the world's smartest companies select the most creative thinkers." by William Poundstone
CareerCup: Interview candidates' reports from Microsoft, Amazon, etc.
Techinterview.org: Puzzles
LeetCode: Prepare for technical coding interviews
HackerRank: Practice algorithms and find jobs
Glassdoor: Find what coding questions your next interviewer might ask, among other things
Career Contacts
Career Planning and Placement Coordinator, UBC Computer Science
Michele Ng
Room 251, ICICS/CS Building
email: mng@cs.ubc.ca
Phone: 604-822-5693