Research & Publications
Our collection includes a number of books by current and former Faculty and other Computer Science Department and ICICS members.
UBC Computer Science Technical Reports
Index of UBC Department of Computer Science technical reports by year
Adding a Technical Report (MyCS login required)
The ICICS/CS Reading Room can issue you a UBC CS TR (technical report) number. Please contact us before depositing the report in cIRcle.
Department members, including undergrads, can submit their technical reports and projects to be listed and published on the library's central information repository, cIRcle. UBC has made a commitment to maintain the cIRcle system in perpetuity as a record of UBC's aggregate intellectual achievement, and, most importantly, as a method of open access to UBC research.
UBC ICICS Publications
ICICS Publications: Innovations magazine and Focus (legacy publications).
Open Access Repositories
cIRcle: UBC’s Information Repository
cIRcle is the University of British Columbia's digital repository for research and teaching materials created by the UBC community and its partners.
Note that publishing on a personal or even departmental website will NOT comply with the Tri-Agency Policy, so depositing in cIRcle is recommended (even if it is also available in an open access journal).
For research by or involving Faculty, the cIRcle staff will upload the content on your behalf (https://circle.ubc.ca/submissions/submit-content/faculty-staff/).
Instructions for submitting graduate research
UBC Computer Science members who wish to deposit materials in cIRcle, may contact the ICICS/CS Reading Room.