CPSC 532S 101 2022W

Extended Description

Multimodal machine learning is a multi-disciplinary research field which addresses some of the core goals of artificial intelligence by integrating and modeling two or more data modalities (e.g., visual, linguistic, acoustic, etc.). This course will teach fundamental concepts related to multimodal machine learning, including (1) representation learning, (2) translation and mapping, and (3) modality alignment. While the fundamental techniques covered in this course are applicable broadly, the focus will on studying them in the context of joint reasoning and understanding of images/videos and language (text). 

In addition to fundamentals, we will study recent rich body of research at the intersection of vision and language, including problems of (i) generating image descriptions using natural language, (ii) visual question answering, (iii) retrieval of images based on textural queries (and vice versa), (iv) generating images/videos from textual descriptions, (v) language grounding and many other related topics. On a technical side, we will be studying neural network architectures of various forms, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), memory networks, attention models, neural language models, structures prediction models.

Course Info
Term 1
Tue Thu
Time (start)
11:00 AM
Time (end)
12:30 PM
Date (start)
Date (end)