PhD-Track Program

Our PhD Track is designed to allow graduate students without an MSc degree from a North American university to move into our PhD program after the first year without having to complete a Master’s degree or reapply for admission. This track provides applicants with more choices.

How it Works

Unlike our regular-track Master's students, PhD Track Master's students will be admitted by a specific supervisor, and expected to work with their supervisory team on a research project over several months during their first year in the MSc program. At the end of this period they will take their Research Proficiency Evaluation (RPE), just as direct entrants to our PhD program do.

Subject to successfully passing the RPE and approval from Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, the student will be transferred to the PhD program the following term.


Apply to our regular Master's program, and on the CS online application, select "yes" for the PhD Track program. Applicants will be automatically considered for admission to the Master’s program as well without the need to submit a separate application


For detailed requirements and timeline see the PhD Track Program

What is the duration of the program?

Students are expected to either transfer to PhD program after passing RPE or decide to remain in the MSc program. For students starting in September, we expect students to pass RPE the following October (year 2).  For students starting in January, we expect student to pass RPE the following February (year 2).


What courses do I have to take for the PhD Track program?

Upon entering the PhD track program, students will need to submit the Comprehensive Course Requirement proposal for satisfying the Comprehensive Course Requirement.  Once the proposal is approved, student will take courses according to the plan. Students who decide at any point before the RPE that they would prefer to stop at the Master's, and/or do not pass the RPE, will continue in the regular Master's program. Students can refer to our Master's program requirements and options.