MMOR Info Session


You are invited to an Information Session on the Master of Management in Operations Research (MM in OR) program at the Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia.

Wednesday, November 13 - 12:30 to 1:30 pm

Building: Fred Kaiser  Room: Kaiser 2020/2030

Food and Drinks provided

This is a unique, exciting program for individuals with undergraduate
degrees in quantitative fields such as engineering, economics,
statistics, or mathematics, who would like to pursue graduate studies in
management, consulting, or business analysis. It is an ideal alternative
to an MBA for technically-oriented individuals looking for a more
practical professional business degree.

The innovative 16-month MM in OR curriculum combines rigorous
fundamentals, practical consulting skills, and real-world problem
solving experience. Every student completes an intensive 5-month applied consulting project with a prominent Canadian business, which provides the student with a significant source of financial support. MM in OR students have excellent employment potential and embark on rewarding careers in areas such as consulting, logistics and supply chain management, and operations analysis.

More information about the program can be found on our website at

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