
Contact / People

If you have questions about the BCS (ICS) program, please contact Steering Committee The Bachelor of Computer Science Program is overseen by a steering committee that will meet periodically to review the program and to address

Bridging Module

The Bridging Module consists of a coherent set of 15 credits of upper-level courses (i.e. courses numbered 300 or above). The purpose of this module is to enable students to explore connections between Computer Science and another discipline. Often

Academic Schedule

Below is a sample schedule for the BCS (ICS) program. Your schedule will likely differ (e.g. taking ENGL 110 rather than ENGL 112 or extending the degree to take an extra academic term), and depending on the timing of course offerings, may have to

Who Should Apply?

BCS (ICS) in brief Bachelor of Computer Science (Integrated Computer Science) BCS (ICS) is a 20-month full-time academically-oriented program for university graduates to make a career transition into information technology or to combine their area of