
Graduate Courses

Not all of the following graduate courses are offered every year. Students should check the current Grad courses schedule in the menu to the left, to find out the current offerings. Read specific descriptions about the courses listed below


Apply to the UBC Faculty of Graduate Studies Application & Supporting Documents Deadline: December 15, 2023 (for September 2024 / January 2025) Steps to Application Check out our graduate programs. Visit Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Other Resources

The department aims to provide a world-class education to students. Your success is important to us. In this section you'll find links to resources that can help you succeed and to deal with the challenges that many students face while engaged in a


UBC Computer Science Theses We have compiled a comprehensive directory of UBC Computer Science theses, indexed by graduation ceremony year. Electronic Electronic theses and dissertations (EDTs) can be found in cIRcle: UBC Theses and Dissertations

Course Reserves

Reserve material on short-term or restricted loan for current Computer Science (CPSC) courses. Other related courses (APSC, COGS, CPEN, EECE) may also have material on Course Reserve. To find material on Course Reserve, check the list of Current


Search for Print and Electronic Journals at UBC or Browse by subject: Computer Science | Engineering | Mathematics Full Text Journals & Databases Selected electronic journals and databases (containing multiple journals and other


Online eBook Collections Books 24x7 (UBC cancelled this eBook collection in July 2016) Books24x7 is a collection of online computer science books dealing with all aspects of information technology. Most titles cannot be downloaded or printed

Books & Journals

ICICS/CS Reading Room Catalogue Search the ICICS/CS Reading Room catalogue, using the following terms: Keyword (author, title, subject, series, course number and more) Title Author Subject heading Browse some of our new titles or see our monthly