
Who Should Apply?

BCS (ICS) in brief Bachelor of Computer Science (Integrated Computer Science) BCS (ICS) is a 20-month full-time academically-oriented program for university graduates to make a career transition into information technology or to combine their area of

B.Sc Second Degree

Upon graduation from this program, you will receive a Bachelor of Science degree. To earn a second Bachelor's degree, you need to satisfy two broad conditions: 1. You must meet all the requirements for the degree you seek (that have not already been

Zite and LCI Make the News

The last two days have been very exciting for professors Kevin Leyton-Brown and Nando de Freitas. Worio, under the lead of LCI graduate Mike Klaas (CTO) and UBC…

Salary Information

Here are some places to look for salary information. Remember, the more up to date (and local) the information, the better. 1. General Occupational Information (Including Pay Ranges) This information is collected and disseminated by federal

Co-op FAQs & Contacts

When is the earliest I can apply for co-op? The earliest you can apply for Co-op is in the second term of your first year. Is there Co-op for Master students? No, we currently do not offer Co-op for Master students. How much does Co-op cost? There is

RIM Employer Night

David Lam Management Research Centre Rm 142