
Non Co-op Job Postings

If you have any questions about these positions, please contact Learn how to post a job. If you'd like to publicize your opening to all UBC students and new grads you can post on UBC CareersOnline. All UBC current students


The Computer Science Department is a community of students, faculty and staff working together. We provide department, community and outreach programs, and encourage computer science students to get involved. Every year, about 150 undergrads and

Career Planning

Start now to build your work experience, your job search skills and your presentation abilities. Any action now beats anxiety later! Our department can provide you with plenty of help, including: Job search and presentation skills workshops Resume

Co-op Program

Next application deadline Co-op is an option where you can intersperse your school terms with real work. The program offers students opportunities to apply what they have learned from school. Many students choose to come to UBC for their Computer

Student Positions

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Positions Each term the Department hires undergraduate TAs to mark assignments and assist with scheduled undergraduate labs. We are looking for excellent candidates to apply for 2023 Winter Term 1 TA positions by