
General Computing

The CS Undergraduate facilities consist of 10 computer labs and many compute servers running both windows and linux. Undergraduate students are allowed to connect remotely to the servers. In various Computer Science courses, assignment code is

Labs & Tutorials

Some courses have associated "secondary sections": lab or tutorial/discussion sections. You should register for these in the same way that you register for your courses. I want to take a lecture seat but cannot take it because no seat is available in

Lab Availability

Lab Calendar ICCS 005 ICCS 008 ICCS 011 ICCS 014 ICCS 015 ICCS X050 ICCS X250 ICCS X251 ICCS X260 ICCS X350 ICCS X360 Instructions for connecting to CS resources from off campus are available here:


To request special lab access: Email: CS Helpdesk ICICS/CS 103 604-822-1423 The CS Undergraduate facilities consist of 12 computer labs, 7 project rooms, and a number of large informal