Teaching & Learning

Course Offerings

Course offerings within the department vary from introductory courses to courses for non-CS Majors, Co-op students and more. Full descriptions and prerequisites can be found in the UBC Calendar. Electives from other departments When choosing

Registration Info

UBC students should use the UBC Student Service Center to register for courses. You'll need to have your Campus Wide Login (CWL) account ready. If you are unable to register online, please click on your situation within this section for detailed

Other Resources

The department aims to provide a world-class education to students. Your success is important to us. In this section you'll find links to resources that can help you succeed and to deal with the challenges that many students face while engaged in a


UBC Computer Science Theses We have compiled a comprehensive directory of UBC Computer Science theses, indexed by graduation ceremony year. Electronic Electronic theses and dissertations (EDTs) can be found in cIRcle: UBC Theses and Dissertations