CPSC 344 101 2020W Instructor(s) Dongwook Yoon Course Page https://www.students.cs.ubc.ca/~cs-344/current-term/ Online Adaptations 2020 WT1 is the first time CPSC 344 is moving online. No activities that involve in-person interaction will take place during the suspension on in-person activities due to COVID-19. The transition to the fully remote course will be made based on the following guiding principles. The curriculum will address novel needs for HCI skills in the pandemic world (e.g., online prototyping, remote user study, virtual teamwork). These improvements will persist after the pandemic, rather than being just as a stopgap. The interactive and hands-on components of the curriculum are key to how HCI skills are learned. They will move online but definitely be retained. The communicative and social experience of teamwork is key to how HCI works in the real world, so the instruction team will prioritize and innovate in ways to support this online. To allow time for these priorities, we may need to lower expectations in quantity (e.g., number of concepts covered), but we strive not to compromise the quality of learning for the parts that are covered. Note that the principles are specific to CPSC 344 and the instructors of different courses may have different approaches Extended Description Either 211 or 210 will automatically suffice for the 344 pre-requisite. Course Info Section 101 Term Term 1 Session 2020W Dates Days Tue Wed Time (start) 5:00 PM Time (end) 6:30 PM Date (start) Tue, Sep 8, 2020 Date (end) Thu, Dec 3, 2020