Distinguished Lecture Talk: Sally Fincher - Useful Sharing
In this talk, I'll explore some of the ways educators share details of their practice and of how they find out .what works. from others. This exploration will include examining some barriers and inhibitors to successful exchange and some thoughts on the importance of representations of practice; that is how we represent our teaching to ourselves, to each other and for posterity.
As part of this exploration, I will present a model of sharing I have devised with Josh Tenenberg, called the Disciplinary Commons: further details of this can be seen at: http://www.disciplinarycommons.org.
Sally Fincher is Professor of Computing Education in the School of Computing at the University of Kent, where she leads the Computing Education Research Group. Her work is centrally concerned with the teaching and learning of Computing, with particular emphasis on teachers and teaching practices. She has worked on several major computing education projects, such as the Bootstrapping Research in Computer Science Education series, and currently manages the UK "sharing practice". project:http://www.sharingpractice.ac.uk. She is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Computer Science Education (jointly with Laurie Murphy) a UK National Teaching Fellow, a Senior Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.