Bioinformatics Careers Panel


Bring your questions to the Bioinformatics Careers Panel. Panelists include the first graduate of the Bioinformatics Training Program currently doing a post-doc at the Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation, an entrepreneur who co-founded the computational biotech company, Zymeworks, a sage academic who has participated in many UBC hiring committees, and a bioinformatics group leader from the largest bioinformatics employer in BC.


    * Benjamin Good, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation
    * Inanc Birol, PhD, Bioinformatics Group Leader, Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre, BC Cancer Agency, and Adjunct Professor, School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University
    * Anthony Fejes, MSc, Co-founder, Zymeworks and PhD Candidate, Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre, BC Cancer Agency
    * Phil Hieter, PhD, Professor, Michael Smith Laboratories, University of British Columbia

A 1-hour moderated panel discussion will be followed by networking over pizza and refreshments.

Make sure that your question gets answered by submitting by email to

675 West 10th Avenue
Gordon and Leslie Diamond Family Theatre
BC Cancer Agency

Start Date: 14/04/2011
Start Time: 6:00 PM
End Time: 7:30 PM