Google Info Session/Tech Talk


Wesbrook 100

Google Lightning Talk Series
2 google engineers + 89 minutes + free food (nom nom!)
Kelly Poon,Software Engineer - Kelly is onGoogle's "did you mean" spelling correction team.She'll talk about how to write a query spelling corrector, and what it's like to be a Software Engineer at Google!
Bartholomew Furrow, Software Engineer- UBC Alumus!  Engineers at Google are encouraged to spend 20% of their time working on side projects; Bartholomew will talk about spending his "20% time" developing and runningGoogle Code Jam, a programming competition motivated by contests he participated in while at UBC.  He'll also discuss his 80% project, in which he enhances machinelearning algorithmsthat help to run over a billion ad auctions each day.
*Eating free food and getting swag is mandatory.  
  Bring a resume if you'd like.