IBM Centennial Lecture Series: Evolving with Technology to Achieve Success


Grad Student Centre, 6371 Crescent Rd.

Graduate Student Centre, 6371 Crescent Road, Point Grey Campus
Offered by: 
Graduate Pathways to Success
Wednesday, November 2, 2011 - 11:00am - 12:00pm

Session Topic: How does a business or individual continue evolving with technology to achieve success?

Hosted as part of UBC's Celebrate Learning Week, this seminar is being presented as part of the IBM Centennial Lecture Series. 

In 2010, IBM celebrated its 100th anniversary. They plan to use this milestone not just to celebrate, but to look forward and engage the young leaders who will shape the 21st century. In support of this, IBM is partnering with leading universities around the globe to organize a series of lectures — explorations, based on extensive research, of IBM’s key learnings about leadership and driving progress in an integrated and increasingly technologically enabled world.

Speaker: Joe Ryan, IBM Global business Services Partner, Communication and Industrial Sector

Registration: Open to UBC graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. No charge for admission, but advance registration is required. Please submit your registration here.

Refreshments: Beverages will be provided. Please bring your own mug.

For further information on the GPS program, check: Faculty of Graduate Studies - Graduate Pathways to Success Program