ECE Seminar: The Most Crucial Skill for a Graduating Engineer


Speaker: Dr. David Cawood, Cawood Consulting

Refreshments and Networking: 9 - 9:30 am

Seminar: 9:30 - 11:30 am

UBC, MacLeod Building, Room 418                                                                   

Pre-registration required - Please contact
Prof. Dave Michelson,


Our guest speaker, Dr. David Cawood, has worked on Strategy and Leadership with thousands of engineers in very large companies: (De Beers, Finning International, the global Jacobs Engineering Group (with clients NASA, BMW etc.), HP; and smaller Canadian companies (TeraGo Networks, Levelton Engineering, etc.)  He also ran hundreds of hours of specific detailed video training for top leaders around the world for the Anglo American/De Beers Group. He owns and manages the “...most successful Strategic Consultancy on the West Coast”.

We asked him to isolate the one single personal skill that separates the “Good” engineers from those who have become “Great” leaders.

This is what he said: “It’s not normally taught in professional training. Yet it’s the way they leverage their technical skills and show their leadership potential. It’s what makes the difference between someone who makes it in management.”

“Showing knowledge of this skill will make it easier to GET a job, KEEP a job and, crucially, get promoted.”

“It’s about how to actually plan and run an effective problem solving meeting. This is a learnable skill, but it’s not all intuitive. It involves knowledge of a specific PROCESS, and how best to utilize four vital ROLES.”

He will bring along a classic DVD showing these skills in action, with specific and repeatable ideas you can take away and start applying immediately. There is even a confidential self-test built in!

The material is backed up by current brain science, and is part of a forthcoming publication based on a Course that our guest has produced for CEOs.

David is known for his interesting and sometimes humorous style and for many years he designed and ran successful courses for UBC Executive Programs. A course on management styles was voted best in the world by Jacobs Professionals.

This course is offered as part of a new personal program of offering input where he feels it can most readily be applied—and he has spent more time with engineers than any other profession.
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David Cawood Ph.D. MBA ( is a Certified Management Consultant who has worked with Strategy and Leadership with hundreds of professionals in very large and medium sized companies.

He had Executive experience with the giant Anglo American/De Beers Group of companies and led the first Strategic Consulting Group for what is now Deloittes in Canada. He has owned his own firm for decades and has been described as the “most consistently successful Strategic Planning Consultancy on the West Coast”.