Talk by Prof. Heinz Bauschke: Projection Methods ... and Road Design


Speaker:  Heinz Bauschke, Mathematics and Statistics, UBC Okanagan

Title:  Projection Methods ... and Road Design


Feasibility problems, i.e., finding a solution satisfying certain constraints, are common in mathematics and the natural sciences. If the constraints have simple projectors (nearest point mappings), then one popular approach to these problems is to use the projectors in some algorithmic fashion to approximate a solution. In this talk, I will survey three methods (von Neumann’s alternating projections, Dykstra’s method, and the Douglas-Rachford method), comment on recent advances and remaining challenges, and describe a recent application in road design. 


Heinz Bauschke is a Full Professor of Mathematics (Mathematics and Statistics, Irving K. Barber School, UBC Okanagan) and a Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Convex Analysis and Optimization.