UBC ECE Grad Info Day

Dear Computer Science Students, 
Are you unsure about going into industry or if you would like to pursue graduate studies? Are you interested in furthering your education after you finish your undergraduate degree? If this sounds like you, the UBC IEEE Student Branch would like to extend their invitation to attend the UBC EECE Graduate School Information Day. This is open to all interested students from any department and faculty.
The UBC ECE department and the UBC IEEE Student Branch are having a UBC EECE Graduate Studies Information Day this coming Monday, Oct 28. This event is for students interested in pursuing an M.Eng, M.A.Sc, or PhD at UBC in the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department. 
From 1:00pm to 5:00pm, there will be various lab tours including Robotics and Control Laboratory, Microsystems and Nanotechnology Research Group, Radio Science Lab and much more. Meet in MacLeod 319 five minutes before your scheduled tour. MacLeod is shown here: http://www.maps.ubc.ca/PROD/index_detail.php?show=y,n,n,n,n,y&bldg2Search=n&locat1=312

From 5:30pm to 6:30pm, there will be a panel discussion. Questions will be asked to the professors and graduate students who will take part on the panel. 
From 6:30pm to 7:30pm, undergraduate students can network with graduate students and professors to learn more about their research and experiences as a graduate student. Dinner will be provided.
Contact Meghan Nagpal at meghan.s.nagpal@ieee.org if you have any questions.